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  1. 蒙药阿给炭高剂量组能显著增加黏膜下组织新生血管数(P0.05),低剂量组对模型大鼠微血管密度的影响有显著差异(P0.05)。

    Carbon medicine high dose group could significantly increase the number of new blood vessels of submucosal tissue ( P0.05 ) and carbon medicine low dose group of model rat have significant different influence of microvascular density ( P0.05 ) . 4 .

  2. 因为阿给只能手工生产,数量有限,也常常供不应求。

    Because Ah Ghei can only be made by hand , only limited quantities are available for its lovers .

  3. 人阿求给他一点时间和律师商议。

    He asked for some time to confer with his lawyers .

  4. 奥列格,你让阿憨给你戴上两个发网啊?

    Oleg , you let Han put you in two hair nets ?

  5. 说,我兄阿,你给我的是什么城邑呢?

    What kind of towns are these you have given me , my brother ?

  6. 说,我兄阿,你给我的是什么城邑呢?他就给这城邑之地起名叫迦步勒,直到今日。

    And he said , what sort of towns are these which you have given me , my brother ? So they were named the land of cabul , to this day .

  7. 耶和华对何西阿说,给他起名叫耶斯列,因为再过片时,我必讨耶户家在耶斯列杀人流血的罪,也必使以色列家的国灭绝。

    And the LORD said unto him , Call his name Jezreel ; for yet a little while , and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu , and will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of Israel .

  8. 阿-超重啊给我的小宝贝,宝贝。

    A-ow-ah leave my little honey baby .

  9. 当我为宣讲基督福音来到特洛阿时,虽然给我开了为主工作的大门。

    So I came to Troas to preach the Gospel of Christ , and the Lord opened doors for me .

  10. 那领五千银子的,又带着那另外的五千来,说,主阿,你交给我五千银子,请看,我又赚了五千。

    The man who had received the five talents brought the other five . ` Master , 'he said , ` you entrusted me with five talents .

  11. 那领二千的也来说,主阿,你交给我二千银子,请看,我又赚了二千。

    He also that had received two talents came and said , Lord , thou deliveredst unto me two talents : behold , I have gained two other talents beside them .

  12. 除了因为像这样的天很难找到球场外,我们前两个星期都训练得挺刻苦的,所以阿大今天想给自己放假,休息休息。

    Apart from the difficulty in finding a court on day like this we 've been practicing pretty hard the past week and Mike wanted to take today off and rest the body .