
ā tuō pǐn
  • atropine;atropina
阿托品 [ā tuō pǐn]
  • [atropine] 从颠茄和其他茄科植物提取出的一种有毒的白色结晶状生物碱C17H23NO3,主要用其硫酸盐解除痉挛,减少分泌,缓解疼痛,散大瞳孔

阿托品[ā tuō pǐn]
  1. 家兔H1受体调节的升压作用亦可被阿托品所阻断。

    In addition , the pressor effect mediated by H_1-receptors in rabbits could beantagonised by atropine .

  2. 3种给药方式阿托品用量、用药时间B组最大、最长,经统计学处理P<0.01。而C组与A组相比差异无显著性。

    The dosage and time of treatment of atropine were higher in B group than in other groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. pH指示剂吸收值比值法测定硫酸阿托品

    Assay of atropine sulfate by the pH indicator absorbance ratio method

  4. PVC阿托品电极的制备及硫酸阿托品含量测定的新方法

    Preparation of Atropine PVC Membrane Eleetrode and New Determination Method of Atropine Sulfate

  5. 建立了HPLC法测定复方地芬诺酯片中硫酸阿托品的含量。

    A HPLC method for the determination of atropine sulfate in compound diphenoxylate tablets was established .

  6. B组59例采用反复静推阿托品,将治疗前后的疗效、阿托品用量及用药天数进行比较。

    Compared the account of atropin , days of application of atropin and the theraputic effect of the two groups before and after treatment .

  7. 再灌注末,对照组和阿托品组心肌ATP含量显著低于其他治疗组(P<0.001);

    Control group and atropine group showed lower cardal ATP content than other treated groups .

  8. 由脑室注射CBC(2.74×10-3μmol)引起的上述反应可以被胆碱能M受体阻断剂阿托品或N受体阻断剂六甲双胺预处理完全阻断(P<0.05)。

    These responses were completely blocked by cholinergic M receptor antagonist atropine or N receptor antagonist hexamethonium pretreatment .

  9. 阿托品不影响GABA的作用。

    Atropine does not modify the effect of GABA .

  10. 阿托品、氯化锂和nimodipine均可拮抗Ach对神经细胞的毒性作用。

    Atropine , lithium chloride and nimodipine decreased the toxicity of Ach on neurons .

  11. 目的建立一种用RP-HPLC法测定硫酸阿托品注射液中硫酸阿托品含量的方法。

    Objective : To establish a method for analysis of Atropine Sulfate in Atropine Sulfate Injection by RP-HPLC .

  12. 材料和方法:健康雄性SD大鼠48只,3%戊巴比妥钠(30mg/kg)腹腔内注射麻醉,麻醉成功后肌肉注射阿托品0.04me/kg。

    Materials and Methods : Forty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital ( 30mg / kg ) .

  13. 联合应用阿托品和普奈洛尔阻断自主神经时LSPV-D、LSPV-M和LSPV-P的ERP均显著延长,房颤的诱发率最低(7.6%)。

    The ERP of pulmonary veins was increased significantly and the inducibility of AF was greatly suppressed by coadministration of atropine and propranolol ( 7.6 % ) .

  14. 目的:观察海马(hippocampus)内注射乙酰胆碱(ACh)及其M型受体阻断剂阿托品(atropine)对睡眠的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of microinjection of acetylcholine and atropine into hippocampus on sheep and wakefulness .

  15. 窦性心动过缓患者阿托品试验前后QTd变化

    Changes of QT Dispersion before and after Atropin Test in Patients with Sinus Bradycardia

  16. 阿托品引起觉醒减少,SWS和TST增多。

    Atropine enhanced SWS and TST , but decreased wakefulness .

  17. 但是,阿托品预处理使蝇蕈醇和β-氯苯氨丁酸促进胃切片3H-GABA摄取的效应完全消失。

    The pretreatment of atropine can completely abolish the acceleration of muscimol and baclofen on the GABA uptake of stomach slices .

  18. M受体拮抗剂阿托品2mg/kg可对抗槟榔碱200mg/kg(ip)提高大脑皮层和海马中肌醇含量的作用;

    The increase of myo inositol in cerebral cortex and hippocampus by arecoline 200 mg / kg was prevented by atropine 2.0 mg / kg .

  19. 另取肠段按毛果芸香碱、阿托品或SCS、再毛果芸香碱的顺序给药,观察嗜酸乳杆菌SCS对M型胆碱受体的作用。

    The effect of SCS on M cholinoceptor was observed by adding in order pilocarpine , atropine or SCS , and pilocarpine .

  20. 阿托品阻断隔-海马通路Ach活动后海马类P3极性发生反转。

    The polarity of hippocampal P3-like were reversed after the inhibition of acetylcholine activity in the septo-hippocampal pathway by atropine .

  21. 采用离体功能实验,测定豚鼠胃底、体、窦部纵、环平滑肌由乙酰胆碱和阿托品引起的PD2及PA2。

    With functional experiments in vitro , we observed PD_2 PA_2 values of atropine Ach , for longitudinal and circular smooth muscles in gastric fundus , body antrum of guinea-pig .

  22. 结果:东莨菪碱和阿托品的平均回收率分别为99.6%和100.4%;RSD为1.8%和1.5%。

    Result : The mean recovery was ( 99.6 ± 1.8 ) % for scopolamine and ( 100.4 ± 1.5 ) % for atropine .

  23. 预先皮下注射阿托品或切断迷走神经肝支,能阻断TRH的利胆效应;

    Pretreatment with atropine or vagotomy ( hepatic branch ) abolished the effect of LHA injection of TRH .

  24. 经食管心房调搏示a、b2组迷走神经张力增高,但注射阿托品后与c组比较无统计学差异。

    Atropine ECG test and TEAP revealed higher vagus tension in group a and b than that in group c. No statistic difference after atropine injection was found among the 3 groups .

  25. 酚妥拉明(iv)也能使NVM升压反应减小,而心得安或甲基阿托品(i.v.)

    Phentolamine ( i.v. ) also reduced the NVM pressor response , but propranolol or methyl atropine ( i.v. )

  26. 目的:观察脉律康胶囊和阿托品治疗病态窦房结综合征(SSS)的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutic efficacy of Mailukang Capsule combined atropin on sick sinus syndrome ( SSS ) .

  27. 同时观察阿托品化时间、阿托品总量及CHE恢复正常时间。

    We observe the time of atropinization , the amount of atropine used , and the time for CHE return to normal .

  28. 观察ACh、阿托品、毛果芸香碱对LC中神经元形态学改变的影响。

    The morphological changes of neurons in LC by the influence of ACh , atropine , and pilocarpine were observed in the end of the experiment .

  29. 抗瘦素血清、阿托品及胆囊收缩素(CCK)-A受体阻断剂戊酰胺酸均可阻断瘦素对胃运动的作用。

    The effects of leptin on gastric motility were blocked by anti-leptin serum , atropine , and CCK-A receptor blocker loxiglumide .

  30. M受体阻断剂阿托品可部分阻断梭曼中毒和或缺氧所致的PKA活性的升高。

    The muscarinic receptor antagonists atropine could reduce the increase of PKA activity induced by hypoxia or / and soman intoxication .