
  • 网络Alhambra Palace
  1. 阿拉伯艺术家早在十三世纪时就运用了这样的镶嵌工艺来装饰建筑物,例如:当时装饰的西班牙格拉纳达市的阿尔汉布拉宫。

    Such mosaics were used by Arabic artists as early as the13th century to decorate buildings such as the Alhambra Palace in Granada , Spain .

  2. 上个月,有个英国人想度假游览位于西班牙格拉纳达市的阿尔汉布拉宫,结果却搭错航班,飞越大西洋到了热带加勒比海的格林纳达岛,搞得各种预约乱翻了天。

    Last month , a British holidaymaker hoped to explore the architecture of the Alhambra Palace in Granada , Spain , but instead mistakenly caught a flight across the Atlantic to the tropical Caribbean island of Grenada following a confusing booking blunder .