
  • 网络the Argonauts;Argonaut
  1. 《阿尔戈英雄》(TheArgonauts),麦琪·尼尔逊(MaggieNelson)(Graywolf出版社,23美元)。探索我们身体的构成,以及它如何限制我们,是在作者的怀孕经历与她伴侣自身的改变的基础之上写成。

    THE ARGONAUTS . By Maggie Nelson . ( Graywolf , $ 23 . ) An exploration of the way our bodies define and limit us considers the author 's pregnancy and her partner 's own changes .

  2. (希腊神话)美狄亚的丈夫,寻找金羊毛的阿尔戈英雄的领导。

    ( Greek mythology ) the husband of Medea and leader of the Argonauts who sailed in quest of the Golden Fleece .

  3. 在那神圣的松林中,人们能够看到献给波塞冬的阿尔戈英雄之船,它是波塞冬最早时期海上经历的纪念。

    In this sacred pine grove wAS to be seen the argo , the ship of the Argonauts , dedicated to Poseidon AS a memorial of the earliest enterprise at sea .