
  • 网络ACRE;arcA;Akha
  1. 我们在首府垒固(loikaw)呆了两个晚上,后来转入了东部的掸邦(shanstate),即和泰国北部和老挝接壤的金三角地区,在那里我们游览了佤族和阿卡族村庄。

    We spend two nights in the state capital of Loikaw , before moving up into Eastern Shan state , the Golden Triangle region bordering northern Thailand and Laos , where we travel to ethnic Wa and Akha villages .

  2. 当地民团由大其力地区的村庄中的拉祜族,阿卡族和掸族组成。

    Many of these militia groups are made up of ethnic Lahu , Akha and Shan from villages in Tachilek District .

  3. 在他的幻梦中,那岛屿似乎成了可望而不可及的阿卡狄亚了。

    In his fancy the island seemed an unattainable arcadia .

  4. 恰在这时,阿卡同听到了猎狗的嚎叫,猎狗们向他扑来,他突然惊慌失措,拔腿逃跑。

    Just at that moment he heard the barking of his team of fifty hunting dogs . They were coming up to him . He was suddenly seized with fear , and presently2 ran away .

  5. 阿卡同拼命狂奔,很快就上气不接下气。感觉自己肯定会死去,他就一下躺在地上,不想再起来了。

    Running as fast as his legs could carry him . Actaeon was soon out of breath4 , feeling certain that he was to die . He dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get up .

  6. 看来你找到最后的阿卡那祭器了。

    Matier : it seemed that you obtained the final arcana .

  7. 徐州阿卡控制阀门有限公司开业典礼。

    In1996 The establishment ceremony was held for Xuzhou ARC Control Valve Company Ltd.

  8. 这个儿子后来成了阿卡狄亚人的祖先。

    He later became the ancestor of the Archadians .

  9. 寮国北部-勐新,阿卡村落,清晨六点正外出工作的妇女们。

    Laos-Muang Sing , Woman going to work at six o'clock of early morning .

  10. 阿卡斑(赤羽病)病毒的分离与初步鉴定

    Isolation and Preliminary Identification of Akabane Virus

  11. 徐州阿卡调节阀工程技术研发中心成立。

    In2008 Xuzhou ARCA Research & Development Center of Regulating Valve Engineering Technology was founded .

  12. 阿布贾——卡杜纳铁路(简称“阿卡铁路”)是尼日利亚铁路现代化项目的第一标段。

    The Abuja-Kaduna railway is the first line of the railway modernization project in Nigeria .

  13. 在阿卡汉的歌里,灵魂会让正义之手强大。

    In the song of arkhan-tyr , the sprits will strengthen the hand of the just .

  14. 目前,阿卡铁路一票难求,甚至列车通道上也时常挤满了旅客。

    The train tickets are often . Sometimes even the train aisle is crowded with passengers .

  15. 水落在他身上后,阿卡同转眼就变成了一只牡鹿。

    As soon as the water drops fell on Actaeon , he was changed into a stag .

  16. 奥莫低谷位于图阿卡那湖附近,是世界上著名的史前文化遗址。

    A prehistoric site near Lake Turkana , the lower valley of the Omo is renowned the world over .

  17. 这场导致了阿卡滇灭亡的严重气候变化源自遥远的北太平洋。

    The severe climate change that may have helped topple the Akkadians probably had its roots in the far-off North Atlantic Ocean .

  18. 名单中还包括一种舞蹈,阿根廷探戈,和中非共和国的阿卡俾格米人的歌。

    The list also includes a dance , the Argentinian tango , and the singing of the Aka pygmies of the Central African Republic .

  19. 随着我们的驾车离去,阿卡缔亚肮脏的街道,到处游荡的牲口,谷仓和外屋看起来就象是一座宗主城市一样。

    As we drove off , Arcadia with its dirt streets and free-roaming cattle , its barns and outhouses , looked like a metropolis .

  20. 阿卡德语被作为书写在粘土板上的楔形文字,从最初一直被使用到公元前750年。

    Akkadian was written with the cuneiform writing system , on clay tablets , and was in use from the beginning to about 750 B.C.

  21. 一名以色列阿拉伯男孩入水中跳跃在以色列北部周一,2010年8月9日在阿卡老城区的港口。

    An Israeli Arab boy jumps into the water in the port of the old city of Akko in northern Israel on Monday , Aug.9,2010 .

  22. 上周,尼日利亚交通部为中土集团尼日利亚有限公司颁发了“阿卡铁路安全运营1000天”奖牌。

    Last week , the Nigerian transport ministry awarded China Civil Engineering Nigeria a special medal for operating Abuja-Kaduna railway safely in the past 1000 days .

  23. 古代的超级大都市是位于古希腊的阿卡狄亚区域,它被诗人威吉尔引为幸福、园纯朴的典范。

    The Megalopolis of the ancient world was in Arcadia , a part of Greece cited by Virgil as a model of happy , rural simplicity .

  24. 居住在阿卡狄亚山区的居民同样不会说多里安语。所以他们也许是被迫逃亡到那里的。

    Then there are the people in the mountains of Arcadia who also don 't speak the Doric language , and maybe they were driven up there to escape .

  25. 赤羽病是由阿卡班病毒引起牛、羊等动物流产、死产、死胎、胎儿畸形、以及先天性关节弯曲-积水性无脑综合征的一种虫媒传染病。

    Akabane virus ( AKV ) causes abortion , premature birth , stillbirth , and congenital deformities such as arthrogryposis-hydranencephaly syndrome in cattle , sheep , and other animals .

  26. 本文将这些文本大致归为阿卡狄亚、英雄悲歌、还乡之路、绿色之思四种典型。

    This paper categorizes these texts into four typical types which includes " Arcadia ", " Sad melody of heroes ", " Road of returning to native place ", " Thinking of green " .

  27. 独特的阿卡狄亚庙堂,因此可以脱离仅止于视觉性、功能性目标之范畴,达到一个绿色建筑的新阶段,连结并刺激所有的感官。

    This unique arcadian ziggurat is thus removed from the category of a mere visual or functional object and achieves a new level of green architecture connecting to and stimulating all of the senses .