
  • 网络archimonde
  1. 阿克蒙德的末日火焰移动效果修正了。

    Fixed an issue with the movement of Archimonde 's Doomfire .

  2. 恶魔阿克蒙德进入艾泽拉斯这个世界。

    Archimonde enters the world of azeroth .

  3. 阿克蒙德了抓的姿态。

    Archimonde made a grasping gesture .

  4. 很可能阿克蒙德非常期待最终能打垮迦洛德钢铁般的意志。

    Very likely Archimonde took even greater pleasure in the prospect of finally breaking Jarod 's iron will .

  5. 玛法里奥。怒风:毫无疑问阿克蒙德会向海加尔山开进,然后攻取世界之树。

    Furion Stormrage : No doubt Archimonde will make his way to Hyjal Summit and attack the Would Tree .

  6. 所有的恶魔,包括阿克蒙德,都被吸入永恒之井,狂怒的嚎叫着,被扔回扭曲虚空。

    All the demons , including Archimonde , were sucked into the Well and forced back into the Twisting Nether , howling in fury .

  7. 在对个人能力的要求上,这场战斗是不是类似阿克蒙德?

    WI : Is it somewhat comparable to Archimonde , which seems to be the existing fight with the highest degree of personal responsibility ?

  8. 正当迦洛德正组织暗夜精灵以扭转战局的时候,他被恶魔之王阿克蒙德盯上了。

    As the captain continued to rally the night elves and turn the tide of battle , he caught the eye of the demon lord Archimonde .

  9. 污染者阿克蒙德亲自作为先锋,碾碎了所有挡在他面前的东西,攻向山脚下的世界之树。

    The Defiler himself led the vanguard , crushing all who stood in his way , determined to reach the World Tree at the mountain 's peak .

  10. 伊利丹的窃颅行动使得阿克蒙德在艾则拉斯的失败成为定局。短暂的胜利之后,巫妖王命令阿尔萨斯返回诺森德。

    Illidan 's theft sealed the defeat of Archimonde in Azeroth . Still , the victory was of short duration as the Lich King ordered Arthas to return to Northrend .