
  • 网络Aksu River
  1. 阿克苏河流域土地利用变化与动态监测分析

    Dynamic Change of Land Use in the Aksu Drainage Basin

  2. 阿克苏河流域土壤资源定量评价方法及评价结果

    Quantitative evaluation of soil resources in Aksu River Valley and gotten results

  3. 阿克苏河流域春季径流变化及气候成因分析

    Analyses on Springtime Runoff Variance of Aksu River and Its Climate Causes

  4. 树轮记录历史时期阿克苏河流域沙尘天气变化

    Tree ring record change of historical period dusty days in Aksu River Basin

  5. 阿克苏河年径流的波谱分析

    Wave-spectrum analysis of annual runoff process of Aksu River

  6. 阿克苏河流域成灾冰雹统计特征分析

    Statistic Character of Disastrous Hail in Aksu River Basin

  7. 阿克苏河流域近期防洪规划及工程措施

    Flood Control Planning and Engineering Measures in Aksu River Basin in the Near Future

  8. 阿克苏河流域地方性氟中毒区的水化学分析

    Analyses of chemical components in water for endemic fluorosis region in basin of Aksu river

  9. 阿克苏河流域1999年夏季洪水气象条件分析和预报服务

    Meteorological Condition Analysis and Predicting Service on flood in Aksu River Valley in Summer in 1999

  10. 影响阿克苏河年径流量变化的前期大气环流指数因子研究

    The Elements of the Prophase Atmospheric Indexes Which Influence the Annual Runoff in the Aksu River

  11. 阿克苏河&塔里木河水系水质污染遥感监测与评价

    The monitoring and evaluation of water quality of the Aksu-Tarim River Based on remote sensing technique

  12. 近40年阿克苏河流域径流变化特征及影响因素研究

    Study on the Change of Runoff and the Effect Factors in the Aksu River Basin in Recent 40 years

  13. 阿克苏河流域径流补给具有垂直地带性和多样化特点,径流时序特征与径流的补给来源有密切关系;

    The result shows that the runoff supply of Aksu basin has the characteristics of zonal perpendicularity and diversification .

  14. 1396&2005年天山南坡阿克苏河流域降水序列重建与分析

    A Precipitation Series of A.D.1396-2005 in Aksu River Basin on the Southern Slopes of Tianshan Mountains : Reconstruction and Analysis

  15. 同时,建议加强阿克苏河流域水资源的设施建设和治理,改善流域生态环境。

    This paper may suggest related governments to construct the infrastructures to economize water resource and improve the environment in the Aksu Drainage Basin .

  16. 阿克苏河流域自然环境中氟的分布与地方性氟中毒区水化学分析

    The Distribution of Fluoride in the Natural Environment of the Aksu River Basin and a Chemical Analysis of the Water in Endemic Fluorosis Regions

  17. 阿克苏河流域径流对气温比较敏感,而对降水变化敏感性较小。

    The runoff is more sensitive to temperature than to precipitation . The future climate change will probably decrease the water resources in the Aksu River Basin .

  18. 应用阿克苏河两条支流的年径流量和国家气候中心发布的74类大气环流月指数资料,分析了年径流量与前一年大气环流月指数之间的关系。

    The relationships are analyzed between the annual runoff of two embranchments of the Aksu River and all 74 circulation indexes of the former year published by the Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Division of the National Climate Center .