
  1. 周三,美国消费产品安全委员会(ConsumerProductSafetyCommission)宣布,将召回伊万卡个人品牌IvankaTrump生产的2万条围巾,因为它们没有达到美国联邦纺织品阻燃标准,对佩戴这些围巾的人构成了“烧伤风险”。

    On Wednesday , the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced it was recalling 20000 scarves made by Ms Trump 's fashion line , Ivanka Trump , because they did not meet the federal flammability standards for clothing in the US and posed " a burn risk " for the people wearing them .

  2. 介绍我国现行的纺织品及纺织制品阻燃标准,与国外标准相比,指出其不足之处。

    This article introduces the flame retardancy standard in effect of textiles in our country , compares overseas standard and points out its shortcomings .

  3. 认真落实阻燃适航标准确保乘机安全性

    Carefully Implementing the Airworthiness Standard of Burn Block

  4. 装饰织物阻燃考核标准出台

    Flame Retardancy Standards of Upholstery Textiles in Effect

  5. 结合现行防火阻燃材料相关标准,对《建筑内部装修防火施工及验收规范》实施中遇到的一些问题进行了分析和讨论。

    Combined with the active criterions about fireproofing and flame retardant materials , the problems confronted with during the code for fire prevention installation and acceptance in construction of interior decoration engineering of buildings was put in practice are analyzed and discussed in this paper .

  6. 阻燃性能符合有关标准要求,阻值精度高。

    Its inflammability is accord with requirement , and has high precision .

  7. 实验结果表明:加入阻燃剂的聚乙烯阻燃性可达GB2408&80标准,力学性能略有下降。

    The experimental results show that the flame retardancy of PE comes up to the GB 2408-80 , and the mechanical properties of PE are reduced slightly .

  8. 聚氨酯硬泡在很多应用场合都是有阻燃要求的,20年来中国相应的材料阻燃标准在不断修订,并逐步与国际标准接轨。

    The application of polyurethane rigid foam need be flame-retardant on many occasions . In current twenty years , China continually emended the corresponding standard of flame-retardant materials , and gradually connected with international standard .

  9. 试验结果表明:经过BL-环保阻燃剂处理的云杉各项阻燃性能均达到GA/T42.1中规定的阻燃木材标准;

    And then effecting mechanism of each factor was analyzed . The results showed that spruce treated by BL-environmentally friendly flame retardant successfully met the requirements of GA / T 42.1 for fire retardant wood ;

  10. 因此,推广使用阻燃材料,对易燃和可燃材料进行阻燃处理,制订合理的阻燃法规和阻燃标准,以提高全社会防止火灾的能力,尽量减少火灾损失,具有重大的现实意义。

    Thus , it is of great significance to carry research on the treatment of inflammable materials with flame retardants , and to lay out reasonable flame retardant regulation and standard so as to improve people capability of preventing fire disasters and to reduce the loss caused by those disasters .

  11. 最后,把改性后的水镁粉应用到聚烯烃阻燃配方中,结果表明,使用改性水镁粉提高了材料的阻燃性能和力学性能,阻燃材料达到了中国无卤阻燃电缆料的标准。

    The flame retardancy and mechanical properties of FR composites were improved remarkably , achieving the Chinese standard of halogen free flame retardant cable covering .