
  1. 阴山岩画的生殖崇拜主题及其艺术风格

    Theme of the Reproductive Worship and Artistic Styles of of Yinshan Rock Painting

  2. 阴山岩画与蒙古族传统文化岩画在中国北方草原原始社会的媒介作用

    Medium Function of the Rock Painting for Chinese Primitive Society in the Northern Grassland

  3. 贺兰山岩画与阴山岩画的艺术特色和文化内涵比较在黑龙江、内蒙古阴山山脉、贺兰山北部乌兰察布高原等地是北系岩画集中的地区。

    The Comparative Study of the Artistic Characteristics and the Cultural Connotation of the Petroglyphs Found in the Helan Mountains and the Yinshan Mountains Most northern Chinese rock paintings are found in the Yinshan mountains in Heilongjiang and the Helan Mountains in Inner Mongolia autonomous Region .