
fánɡ dú miàn jù
  • Gas mask;respirator;gas/protective mask
防毒面具 [fáng dú miàn jù]
  • [anti-gas mask] 一种保护眼睛和呼吸道不受有毒气体、蒸气和烟雾伤害的装置,它利用一个过滤器和一个吸附物质床来除去沾染物

  1. B样条曲面在防毒面具中的应用

    Application of B-Spline Curved Surface to the Modelling of Gas Mask

  2. 针对防毒面具罩体材料的性能要求,对BⅡR的补强体系、增塑体系和硫化体系进行了优化设计。

    To satisfy the performance requirements of mask cover materials , the reinforcing system , plasticizing system and curing system of B ⅱ R were optimized designed .

  3. ChrisDimino决定打破陈旧的淋浴喷头设计,因此创意的设计了这位戴防毒面具的老兄从墙里出来的造型。

    Chris Dimino 's decided to change the old shower with this new strange guy in a gas mask coming out of the wall

  4. Twitter及中国社交媒体上的图像显示,中国的选手们戴着各种面部保护用品,从轻薄的口罩到第一次世界大战风格的防毒面具。

    Images on Twitter and Chinese social media showed Chinese runners sporting a variety of face protection , from light cloth masks to World War I-style gas masks .

  5. 经过六个月的辛苦努力,他做出了臭锁,这种空心钢U型锁中存有加压的有毒化学物质,即便某些最先进的防毒面具也无法抵抗它的威力。

    After six months of work , he came up with the SkunkLock , a hollow steel U-lock system which houses presurized noxious chemical deterrent that 's even detectable through some of the most advanced gas masks .

  6. 还有人举着的横幅上画着戴有防毒面具的头骨。

    Others carried banners showing a skull with a gas mask on .

  7. 纳米稀土防毒面具催化剂制备技术

    General Survey of Nano Rare Earth Catalyst for Gas Mask

  8. 你为什么戴着那件防毒面具?

    Natalie : Why are you wearing that gas mask ?

  9. 戴上防毒面具的军队进入了房间。

    Armed with gas masks , the army troop went into the room .

  10. 防毒面具用活性炭的结构与特性研究

    Study on the Structure and Characteristics of Active Carbon Used in Gas Mask

  11. 在他们进入危险区之前,每人都发了防毒面具。

    Gas-masks had been issued to everyone before they entered the danger zone .

  12. 这次发放防毒面具的工作由以色列国防部副部长维尔奈发起。

    Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai initiated the redistribution .

  13. 于是,他上网订购了一套防毒面具。

    He went online and ordered a gas mask .

  14. 新型防毒面具罩体及其模具设计

    Design of the Mask Body for a New Type of Respirator and Its Mould

  15. 去年,这些防毒面具由于过了有效期而被收回。

    The gas masks were collected last year because they were out of date .

  16. 一副以色列防毒面具出事那天两周后奶奶买给我的

    An Israeli gas mask Grandma bought me two weeks after the worst day .

  17. 以色列上一次发放防毒面具是在4年前,在美国攻打伊拉克之前。

    The last distribution was before the U.S. invasion of Iraq four years ago .

  18. 计数调整型抽样标准在防毒面具验收中的应用

    The Uses of Sampling Procedures fo Adjustable Inspection by Attributes in Gas-Mask Acceptance Inspection

  19. 硅橡胶在防毒面具中的应用

    Application of Silicone Rubber for Gas Masks

  20. 进行催泪弹练习时,手册上说你们应该戴上防毒面具。

    In tear gas training , the manual says you should have your mask on .

  21. 用于防毒面具的氨吸收剂的研究

    Study on ammonia absorbent for gas mask

  22. 消防员戴着一个防毒面具,来帮助他在烟气缭绕的房子中呼吸。

    The fire fighter was wearing a respirator to help him breathe in the smoke-filled house .

  23. 如果烟雾太多,人们在街道上将不得不戴上防毒面具。

    If smog gets too Bad people will Be compelled to wear gas masks on the streets .

  24. 机场执法人员均配备有适当的著装和防毒面具。

    ALE personnel were well equipped with proper clothing and each unit possessed their own gas mask .

  25. 学校宣传消防知识时,小明学会了如何戴防毒面具。

    Xiao Ming learnt how to wear a gas mask when they were taught about fire protection .

  26. 其他呼吸器具及防毒面具,但不包括既无机械零件又无可互换过滤器的防护面具。

    Other breathing appliances and gas masks , excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters .

  27. 在此之前,我想我就穿上衣服得了,不戴时尚防毒面具了。

    In the meantime , I think I 'll just get dressed - without the stylish gas mask .

  28. 应用半导体气敏传感器实现防毒面具滤毒盒失效指示的探讨

    Exploration of Realizing Indication of Losing Efficacy of Filtrating Box of Protective Mask by Using Semiconductor Gas Sensitive Transducer

  29. 维尔奈对以色列电台说,发放防毒面具并不意味着以色列马上要和伊朗打仗。

    Vilnai told Israel Radio that handing out gas masks does not mean that war with Iran is imminent .

  30. 只要他们发出警告,我们就能戴上防毒面具,并采取其他预防措施。

    As soon as they sound the alarm , we can put on our gas masks and take other precautions .