- 名defensive war;warfare

This paper discusses the war background and the main battles of Burma defensive warfare all-roundly , analyses its failure causes objectively .
It is easy to fall into a passive position in defensive warfare , which gives far less scope for the full exercise of initiative than does offensive warfare .
The London Stock Exchange yesterday forecast a dramatic increase in trading volumes on its electronic trading platform as it launched its latest defence against a hostile bid by US rival Nasdaq .
There 's a terrific bit in it about Western defences .
Even our defensive record was tragically draped in defeats .
The defence of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men .
However , there is no certainty of continued defensive success in this war ;
gallant The defence of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men .
The groups Alibaba is defending itself against include , most notably , Tencent and Baidu .
Any persons found advocating a preventive war should be condemned to two hours a day with these ingenious monsters .
For the Foxconn chief it was nothing less than a highly personal defence of the business he had spent a lifetime building .
The counter-offensive is a long process , the most fascinating , the most dynamic , and also the final stage of a defensive campaign .
A box one obsession , however , can lead to short-termism , barge aside other strategic priorities and tempt companies into time-consuming defensive battles .
We would still have ample strength to fight against japan , while the Japanese would have to fight defensive battles in their rear throughout the war .
Chapter IV initiative , flexibility and planning in conducting offensives within the defensive , battles of quick decision within protracted war , and exterior-line operations within interior-line operations
The following day intelligence noted , The Boche , although not in any sense getting up and surrendering in mass , are fighting a disorganized defensive battle .
It is the opposite of our strategic principle of " protracted defensive warfare on interior lines ", and yet it is the indispensable principle for carrying out this strategy .
Messimy having fervently stamped out Michel 's heresy of the defensive , did his best , as war minister , to equip the army to fight a successful offensive .
The 10 aspects of effects of the Information Warfare ( IW ) on the Information Security ( INFOSEC ) World are studied and 10 Principles of the Info-Defensive Warfare are put forward .
As far and as long as the achievement of this aim is impeded by the British and americans , we shall be forced to carry on our defensive fight against them as well .
In defensive warfare the retreat to the prescribed terminal point belongs basically to the passive , or " defence ", stage . having come to an end or become void after passage of a period of time .
CHANGES IN THE POPULATION SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF LEYMUS CHINENSIS IN DEGRADED STEPPE COMMUNITY DURING RESTORATIVE SUCCESSION IN INNER MONGOLIA , CHINA In defensive warfare the retreat to the prescribed terminal point belongs basically to the passive , or " defence ", stage .
After describing the background of information warfare , the paper discusses the importance of de fensive imformation warfare , and gives an introduction to the defensive information system , finally , the author proposes that decision makers should begin to address defensive information warfare intellectually and practically .
Both malicious code technology and anti-malicious code technology acting as the necessary weapons of Information Warfare are rapidly developing .
This means large-scale mobile warfare , and not positional warfare depending exclusively on defence works with deep trenches , high fortresses and successive rows of defensive positions .
Power in action gives those who are seeded to ascend permission to own their personal power so that they can succeed in their internal crusade against the dark .
However , most of the traditional countermeasures against threats such as firewall and intrusion detection system are passive in nature , can not meet the basic needs of cyber-defense , which greatly handicaps the defender .