
fáng qū
  • a sector;defence area;garrison area
防区 [fáng qū]
  • [defence area] 防务区段

防区[fáng qū]
  1. 雷达配置与部署的方案、雷达网对防区的覆盖能力以及雷达布站的约束条件都分别通过网格和矩阵进行了定量描述,在此基础上,建立了雷达优化配置与部署问题的数学模型。

    Combination and location scheme , radar net coverage capability to defence area and radar location constraint are given quantitative description separately with grid and matrix . Then the mathematical model of radar combination and location is set up based on these quantitative descriptions .

  2. 防区警卫系统的计算机控制技术

    The Computer Control of Security System for Garrison Area

  3. 该主张是将国家分成4个防区。

    The idea is to divide up the country into four sectors

  4. 敌人已进攻英国防区。

    The enemy have attacked the British sector .

  5. 防区外导弹联合攻击武器系统作战效能评估方法

    Study on Method of Effectiveness Evaluation of Stand-off Missile Weapon System

  6. 重点讲解:该主张是将国家分成4个防区。

    The idea is to di the country into four sectors .

  7. 空空导弹攻击防区外目标研究

    Study on attacking of targets beyond defense area with air-to-air missiles

  8. 防区制时代的四川民众教育

    The Mass Educational Movement in Defense Area Times in SiChuan

  9. 防区外导弹最优航迹的快速求解方法

    A Fast Solution to the Subject of Route Planning about Stand-Off Missile

  10. 防区外联合攻击武器火控系统分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on Fire Control System of Stand-off Missile

  11. 最终建立起防区外攻击的仿真系统。

    Finally , a Stand Off Attack simulation system is built up .

  12. 英国的输油管线从挪威防区的南面通过。

    The British pipeline runs south of the Norwegian sector .

  13. 射程远、防区外发射的特点使得巡航导弹的制导过程分成了两个阶段:中制导和末制导。

    The guidance process has two phases : midcourse guidance and terminal guidance .

  14. 防区外攻击仿真框架和攻击动作链设计

    Stand Off Attack Simulation Frame and Maneuver Chains Design

  15. 民国防区制时代四川的反缠足努力

    Anti-foot-binding Efforts in Defense Area Times in Sichuan

  16. 防区外空地反辐射导弹攻击区及作战效能仿真

    Simulation of Standoff Land Air-to-Ground Anti-Radiation Missile Attack 's Zone and Its Combat Effectiveness

  17. 整个防线划分为荆州防区、武昌防区和扬州防区三部分。

    It was divided into three defending regions : Jingzhou , Wuchang , and Yangzhou .

  18. 我们得布个防区。

    We 're gonna make a perimeter .

  19. 综防区、化防区害虫-天敌群落的优势种基本一致。

    The dominant species in the pest-natural enemy communities in two areas were almost the same .

  20. 如果电子缆线的道数为4或12,应该如何确定防区长度?

    If the number of wires is4 or12 , how do you determine the zone length ?

  21. 防区外导弹的费用分析是系统分析的重要内容。

    The cost analysis of standoff missile is one part of important content of system analysis .

  22. 针对防区外导弹联合攻击武器系统攻防对抗过程,通过计算机仿真方法对其进行研究。

    An simulation model on attack-defense countermine of cruise missile and surface to air missile is presented .

  23. 在分析了典型防区外导弹飞行特点的基础上,进行空地导弹弹道仿真。

    Analyzing to a Stand off missile 's flight characteristics , the AS missile trajectory simulation is completed .

  24. 结合作战任务剖面、导弹发射条件和弹道,设计出无人机防区外攻击导弹发射前、后的机动动作链。

    Due to mission profile , launched conditions and trajectory , maneuver chains for Stand off missile are designed .

  25. 综防区和化防区稻田害虫-天敌群落组成及多样性的研究

    Studies on the structure of the rice pest-natural enemy community and diversity under IPM area and chemical control area

  26. 防区外导弹由于广泛应用高新技术,其飞行试验通常都是小样本试验。

    The standoff missile 's flying test often is small samples because of the new technique has been employed broadly .

  27. 综防区群落各营养层的优势集中性较化防区小。

    Dominant concentration of each trophic level of the communities in the IPMA was smaller than that in the CCA .

  28. 地地战术导弹是打击防区外地面军事目标的重要武器之一。

    The ground to ground tactical missile is one of the important weapons that attack ground target located outside of defense area .

  29. 山东沿海所辖海防防区内有卫所遗址及卫所沿海一线的大量军事防御性工程。

    There are a lot of military defensive projects along the coast of Shandong , which under the jurisdiction of coastal sites .

  30. 这是防区外机载布撒器总体方案初步设计阶段需要解决的两个关键技术。

    These two aspects are key technology need to be solved in the phase of overall project preliminary design of standoff airborne spreader .