
  • 网络ethan ruan;Ethan;Ethan Juan
  1. 阮经天说,他以前没有安全感,所以才有这种表现,而且他不喜欢女生轻浮,会让人疑神疑鬼。

    Ethan said that he had no sense of security before so that he didn 't like flirtatious girl about which he would suspicious .

  2. 他还与刘烨、阮经天、杨超越、杨迪、黄明昊一起参加了首档文化体验类真人秀《了不起的长城》。

    He also participated in the first culture-experienced reality show ' The Great Wall ' as " The Great Wall Trainee " with Liu Ye , Ethan Juan , Yang Chaoyue , Yang Di and Justin Huang Ming-hao .