首页 / 词典 / good

  • entire;whole
  • shut;close
  • 全,总共:~家。~城。

  • 关闭:~户。~门静居。

  • 门扇:仲春之月“耕者少舍,乃修~扇”。


(全; 总共) entire; whole:

  • 阖城

    the whole town;

  • 阖家

    the whole family


(关闭; 合拢) shut; close:

  • 阖户

    close the door;

  • 阖眼

    close one's eyes


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 阖仲

    He Zhong

  1. 我试着帮他闭上眼睛,可它们不肯阖上。

    I tried to close his eyes , but they would not shut .

  2. 他阖上箱子,再把狗放回箱子上。

    He shut the box and put the dog back on it again .

  3. 1979年当10号大门砰然阖上时,LordLipsey为了谋生转投了新闻业,他甚至为《泰晤士报》与《经济学人》都工作过。

    When the door of Number 10 slammed shut in 1979 , Lord Lipsey turned to journalism to earn his crust , notably at the Times and The Economist .

  4. 觉慧突然把杂志阖上,拍着自己的膝头叫起来。

    Chueh-hui closed his magazine and banged it down on his knee .

  5. 他的妻子玛丽年仅29岁便阖然长逝。

    His wife , Mary , died at the age of 29 .

  6. 他用拇指将她褐色的眼睛阖上。

    With his thumb he closed her round brown eyes .

  7. 奈德阖上梅利恩的巨著,传他进来。

    Ned closed Malleon 's tome and bid him enter .

  8. 在他们身后,巨型铁门阖上,“锵”的一声巨响。

    Behind them , the great iron doors closed with a resounding clang .

  9. 如此亲密,我入睡时你也阖上双眼

    So close that your eyes close with my dreams

  10. 苍穹为虚无关阖。

    Space closes up into nothingness .

  11. 在水底时,他们就阖起翼状的鳍开始游泳。

    Once they are underwater , they close and fold the winglike fins so that they can swim .

  12. 为你唱一曲摇篮曲,阖上你的眼睛,我爱,再见,再见。

    Here 's a lullaby to close your eyes , oh my , good by , good bye .

  13. 运动组织基质决定眼睛的开阖,进食与说话等动作。

    The matrix of moving tissues determines the opening and closing of the eyes , eating and speaking .

  14. 我们既然有一对美丽和真理的翅膀,我们永远也不愿阖上它们。

    Since we have got a pair of wings of beauty and truth , we will never close them up .

  15. “狂野的培训是提高大熊猫在野外环境的生存技能,说:”章之阖。

    " The wild training is essential to improving panda 's survival skills in the wild environment ," said Zhang Zhihe .

  16. 我们既然有一对美丽的和真理的翅膀,我们永远也不愿意阖上它们。

    Since we have got a pair of wings of beauty and truth , there is no reason to hide them .

  17. 他们专注于软体动物的化学分泌物从而发现他们薄但能快速阖上的肌肉纤维中有金属元素。

    They zeroed in on the chemistry of what the mollusks secrete and discovered metal mixed inside their thin , hold-fast fibers .

  18. 哀公的使者按照地址在一个穷乡辟野的小村落里,找到了颜阖的家。

    The envoy read up the address and found Yan He 's house which was located in a remote and poor village .

  19. 前三天他亲自率领搜寻行动,自打艾莉亚失踪,他几乎没阖过眼。

    He had led searches himself for the first three days , and had scarcely slept an hour since Arya had disappeared .

  20. 是基于相配两穴性能上开阖相济、动静相随、升降相承、相反相成、相辅相成的有机联系。

    Match is based on the open-close on the two-point performance . The points are both opposite and complementary , mutually reinforcing and organic links .

  21. 正是这一思想以及为了能提供表达所有人类情感的音乐的渴求创造出这张阖集,不管这些情感是阴暗的或是阳光的。

    Its this idea that inspired this collection , the desire to supply music for all the human emotions , the shadows and the sun .

  22. 开、阖、枢三者是一个完整而统一的整体,相互协调,相互为用。

    Axis is the adjustor between Open and Close . Open , Close and Axis are uniform , integrated , interactive , compatible as a whole .

  23. 汗证是指人体阴阳失调,营卫不和,腠理开阖不利而引起汗液外泄的病证。

    Sweating syndrome is that yin and yang of human disorders , disharmony of ying and wei , disfunction of the striae caused sweat leak syndrome .

  24. 但迎接我的却是一个锦鲤池塘和前田家族的私人画师绘制的禅宗韵味的拉阖门。

    Instead , I wasgreeted by a koi pond and zen fusuma - or painted rice paper panels - created bythe Maeda family 's personal artist .

  25. 安娜·帕夫洛夫娜几乎阖上了眼睛,暗示无论是她,或是任何人都不能断定,皇太后乐。

    Anna Pavlovna almost closed her eyes to indicate that neither she nor anyone else had a right to criticize what the Empress desired or was pleased with .

  26. 敌人开阖,必亟入之,先其所爱,微与之期。

    If the enemy leaves a door open , you must rush in . Forestall your opponent by seizing what he holds dear , and subtly contrive to time his arrival on the ground .

  27. 过了一会,主教觉得餐具已经摆好,他的妹子也许在等待,他才阖上书本,起身走进餐室。

    A moment later , the bishop , knowing that the table was set , and that his sister was probably waiting for him , shut his book , rose from his table , and entered the dining-room .

  28. 一只小蜘蛛,那他看不见的蜘蛛,满意地,忙碌地在他的身子上方织着网,就好像老人在阖上自己眼睛的时候,依然有一丝清新的悲纱在飘扬一样。

    A little spider , which he could however not see , busily and cheerfully spun its web above him , so that there should be a kind of little banner waving over the old man , when his eyes closed .

  29. 它揭示了对穴组成决非随意、简单的拼凑,而是基于相配两穴性能上开阖相济、动静相随、升降相承、相反相成、相辅相成的有机联系。

    It reveals the composition of acupuncture point is not optional , simple piece together , but the two holes on the performance based on suitable open , movement of economic und out , lift author , supplement each other , supplement each other organic connections .