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lǘ lǐ
  • native village;home town
闾里 [lǘ lǐ]
  • [native village;home town] 乡里

  • 听闾里以版图。--《周礼.小宰》

  • 虽在闾里,慨然有董正天下之志。--《后汉书.岑晊传》

闾里[lǘ lǐ]
  1. 伴随着大一统帝国的形成,政府为了加强对基层社会的控制,闾里制度等被强化和推广。

    With the formation of the truly uniform empire , the government strengthened grassroots control , and Luli system was impressed and extended .

  2. 康熙年间,丝弦戏在束鹿就已遍于闾里,乾隆年间,曾在北京向清王朝献艺。

    Emperor Kangxi , silk string plays in Shulu been times in the Lv Li , Qianlong period , he performed in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty .
