- leap second

Britain , for example , has said that the leap second should stay .
Deciding when to introduce a leap second is the responsibility of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service .
Getting rid of it would mean the end of Greenwich Mean Time , which is measured by the sun and would no longer be accurate .
The next leap second comes at the end of this year .
When the earth slows down , scientists add leap seconds to our clocks .
CORRESPONDENT When the earth slows down , scientists add leap seconds to our clocks .
Leap seconds were initially added at least once a year , but have slowed since 1979 .
But last time it happened , in 2012 , it took down much of the internet .
Users need to make appropriate changes at the application level to handle such dates if it is important to keep track of leap seconds .
It said when it laid out the plan in 2011 that it would use the same technique in the future , when new leap seconds are announced .
The reset has happened 25 times since they were introduced in 1972 , but the computer problems are getting more serious as increasing numbers of computers sync up with atomic clocks .
Scientists are delaying the start of2006 by the first " leap second " in seven years , a timing tweak meant to make up for changes in the Earth 's rotation .
But things like satellite GPS phones , computers , lasers , and almost anything with a chip , doesn 't add these leap seconds , unless someone re-writes the software each time .
It modified its servers so that they would add a little bit of extra time every time they were updated , so that by the time of the leap second they were already caught up with the new time .
Change the way we tell time that is , forget leap seconds , say a few academics , so computers , GPS phones , atomic clocks and people are all on the same time , and let our descendants sort it out later .
CORRESPONDENT Change the way we tell time that is , forget leap seconds , say a few academics , so computers , GPS phones , atomic clocks and people are all on the same time , and let our descendants sort it out later .