
  • 网络distressed securities
  1. 另外,它已在考虑动用巴菲特的慷慨厚礼买进更多的问题证券。

    Furthermore , it is already thinking of using Mr Buffett 's largesse to buy more distressed securities .

  2. 安全区域内的最优投资决策问题证券组合的最优投资决策

    Study of Securities Combination for Optimized Investment Strategy in Safety Field The Optimum Decision of Portfolio

  3. 当发现问题证券公司接近或已经丧失流动性清偿能力或资本清偿能力时,必须采取果断措施进行风险处置。

    When discovering the securities corporation is going to losing its circulating pay off , the supervisory institute must take measures to rescue them .

  4. 他指出,亚洲的银行总体而言资金状况良好,且没有涉足许多问题证券,而华尔街和伦敦城的许多大银行却因这些证券而陷入了困境。

    He noted that banks in Asia are well-capitalized overall and avoided involvement with many of the toxic securities that have plagued big banks on Wall Street and the City of London .

  5. 纾困的形式包括提供担保、信贷额度和收购问题证券,目的是防止基金跌破承诺投资者的每单位1美元的价位。

    The bail-outs , in the form of guarantees , credit lines and the buying out of troubled securities , are intended to stop funds falling below the $ 1 a share promised to investors .

  6. 尽管这场信贷危机初期阶段的特点,是问题证券的大量减记,但目前各银行都面临着坏账准备金稳步上升的局面,这将吞噬银行利润,并限制其重建资本基础的能力。

    Whereas the early phases of the credit crisis were marked by heavy writedowns on securities that became toxic , banks are now facing a steady rise in provisions for bad debts , which will eat into profits and limit their ability to rebuild their capital bases .

  7. 第一个问题就是证券投资计划与证券投资结构。

    The first problem is the planning or construction of the portfolio .

  8. 主要问题在于证券所有权和交易结算方式。

    The main problems centre on the ownership of securities and the settlement of trades .

  9. 证券市场投资者利益的保护问题是证券市场的核心问题。

    The issue to protect the profits of investors in security market is the core issue of all .

  10. 我国证券市场的发展目前仍处于初级阶段,其存在的问题随着证券市场的发展不断表现出来。

    Our country 's securities market is still at its early stage . Many problems appear with its development .

  11. 华尔街接二连三的并购也引发了类似的问题:证券交易所有必要存在吗?

    The flurry of mergers and takeovers on Wall Street prompts an analogous question : are stock exchanges necessary ?

  12. 但是,随着证券市场的发展也暴露出了许多问题,证券公司的风险集中爆发。

    But the securites market development also results in many problems , for instance , the risk of securities companies were breaking out intensively .

  13. 在加拿大,银行继续持有自己发放的抵押贷款,而没有采用在其它地区出了大问题的证券化模式。

    In Canada , banks continue to hold the mortgages they originate , not using the securitised model that ran into such trouble elsewhere .

  14. 而选择、创新、监管及协调各种利益关系问题仍是证券市场不可忽视的问题。

    But , choosing , being innovative , overseeing and harmonizing the various interest relation problem still is an assignable problem of bond market .

  15. 具体到证券价格的形成问题,证券市场价格动力学依赖交易制度和具有不同信息的参与者行为的相互作用。

    Concretely , concerning securities price formation , prices dynamics depends on the interactions of trading systems and the behaviors of participators possessing different information .

  16. 信用缺失是当今人们十分关切和忧虑的一个社会问题,证券媒体的信用更是受众关注的一个敏感问题。

    " Lack of credibilty " is a very pressing problem in today 's society , and credibility of the securities media is an even more sensitive and important issue .

  17. 本文探讨实际经济生活中一个常见的问题:证券价格是如何形成的?或者换句话讲,有哪些显著影响价格的因素以及它们对价格有何变动关系。

    This dissertation discusses a common problem in real economic society : the formation of securities price . In other words , what factors prominently affect price and how to affect price ?

  18. 大股东及关联方占用上市公司巨额资金问题成为证券市场各方关注的焦点。

    The problem that the big shareholders and related enterprises take up a huge sum of funds of the listed companies becomes a focus that the different objects of stock markets pay attention .

  19. 因此,在对证券市场价格进行预测之前还需要回答一个重要问题&证券市场是否有效?若不能确定证券市场的有效性,进行实证预测可谓空中楼阁。

    Therefore , before forecasting the stock market prices we need to answer an important question-is the stock market efficient ? If we cannot determine the effectiveness of the security market , an empirical prediction is a castle in the air .

  20. 然而,如果一家提供两种服务的经纪公司这样做,就意味着要将交易服务与研究服务分开,这就引起了如何操作的问题;证券经纪公司要将研究业务划为独立业务吗?

    However , for a brokerage providing both services to do so , it means separating the execution from the research and raises questions about how that would be done ; would the brokerage set up the research as an independent business ?

  21. 位于俄亥俄州的nationalcity、fifththird等其它大量持有问题抵押贷款证券的地区性银行股价亦有下降。

    Other regional banks with large holdings of troubled mortgage securities , such as Ohio-based National City and Fifth Third were also lower .

  22. 原油价格不断上涨,正[对海外投资]成为一个重大问题,招商证券(MerchantsSecurities)驻上海的分析师裘孝峰表示。

    The rising price of crude oil is becoming a major problem [ for overseas investments ] , said Qiu Xiaofeng , a Shanghai-based analyst with Merchants Securities .

  23. 随着我国股票发行额度制的退出及股票发行核准制的正式实施,一直被忽视的IPO发行人质量评价问题得到了证券市场前所未有的重视。

    With the implementation of authorization system of issuance of shares , the evaluation of the stock issuer 's quality of IPO , which has been neglected for a long time , has aroused great attention .

  24. 纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)的管理人士说,他们正在检查数十只证券的交易中可能存在的问题,这些证券包括道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数的成分股。

    Officials at NYSE Euronext said they were examining potentially erroneous trading in dozens of securities , including members of the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average .

  25. 在卡洛伊今年秋天向EMBA学生开设的一门管理财务课程上,他将更多的专注于热点危机问题,例如证券定价中的流动性;这个问题曾在去年秋天被密切关注,因为当时某些复杂金融工具几乎无法确定价值。

    In a managerial finance class that Prof. Karolyi is teaching this fall to executive MBA students , he 'll put more emphasis on hot-button crisis issues , such as liquidity in pricing securities , which came under scrutiny this past fall when it became almost impossible to determine values for certain complex financial instruments .

  26. 诚信问题已经成为证券市场建设中人们普遍关注的问题。

    Fiduciary Issue has been the highlight in the construction of securities market .

  27. 上市公司财务报告补充更正问题研究中国证券市场年报补丁公司特征研究

    Financial Restatements of Listed Companies in China On Restatements on China Corporate Annual Reports

  28. 信息问题是决定证券市场运行效率是否稳定的关键问题。

    The information is the main question that can decide if the efficiency for the stock market running is stable .

  29. 然而,我国证券市场目前仍处于初级阶段,其存在的一些问题也随着证券市场的不断发展日益显露出来,上市公司会计信息披露失真就是其中很严重的问题之一。

    However , since our stock market is still at early stage , many problems rise to the surface with its development .

  30. 会计舞弊问题一直是证券市场和研究界关注的热点。

    The problem of accounting fraud has been a hot issue and been paid attention by the stock markets and researchers for a relatively long time .