
  • 网络Closed loop;closed circuit;closing the loops
  1. 经济观又反作用于责任观,二者之间形成了正向促进的闭合回路。

    The economic view has reaction to the responsibility view . They formed a positive promotion closed loop .

  2. 当结构振动是由于发动机工作所激励时,存在一闭合回路关系。

    When the structural vibrations are in turn excited by engine operation , a closed loop relationship exists .

  3. 集合TOP传感器闭合回路、PID温度控制模式、LED实时温度显示等监控,有效令温度更精确稳定。

    Use TOP closed loop sensor , PID temperature control and LED real temperature display ensure precise and reliable temperature .

  4. 为了提高电压输出变化灵敏度,需要沿被测场方向加几Oe的偏磁场并使高频磁场形成闭合回路。

    Several Oe bias magnetic field needs to be applied along detected field to get high output voltage change and a closure magnetic circuit for high freguency field is needed .

  5. 最后提出自己的看法:只考虑北太平洋PDO信号是没有构成回路的,实际上北太平洋的PDO冷、暖期的交替可能是对南太平洋闭合回路的一种反应。

    We propose an idea that the only considering of the PDO signature in North Pacific is not a close loop , and the transition between PDO cold and warm phases in North Pacific is actually a response to the close loop of South Pacific .

  6. 寻找费用下降最大的闭合回路的算法

    Algorithm of finding the closed circuit on the largest down cost

  7. 关子非闭合回路中的感应电动势和感应电流的几点讨论

    Discussions on Induced Emf and Induced Current in an Open Conducting Loop

  8. 零闭合回路的求法及回路与多重最优解的关系

    The Method Finding Zero Closed Circuit and Relation of the Circuit and Multi-Optimal Solution

  9. 能量只限于闭合回路中的那些设备。

    The energy is restricted solely to those devices present in the closed path .

  10. 北半球的信号闭合回路非常清晰,而南半球回路较为混乱;

    The boreal closed circuit was quite clear , and the austral one was chaotic .

  11. 闭合回路冷却加套电机结构设计为解决上述问题提供了使用的解决方案。

    The closed-loop cooled jacketed motor design offers practical solutions to problems found with other designs .

  12. 4月9日,决定进行随动环闭合回路半实物仿真试验;

    On April 9 , they decided to make simulation for the semi-hardware-in-large-loop of the follow-up frame ;

  13. 该模型的作用和有效性在该导弹的闭合回路靶试中获得了验证。

    The function and effectiveness of the model were approved in the closed-loop test for the missile .

  14. 证明两种电磁感应表述对任何闭合回路完全等效。

    This paper proves that the two expressions of the electromagnetic induction have an equal effect on any closed circuit .

  15. 如果有一个物理量,对任何闭合回路积分是常数,这个物理量就是一个热力学态函数。

    If you have a quantity which is constant over any closed path , that quantity is a thermodynamics state function .

  16. 还要利用一个事实,在下面的像一组“床位”一样的图中,存在一种很特殊的特性——闭合回路。

    It also exploits the fact that this particular illustrative ' crib ' contains a special feature - a closed loop .

  17. 在红外成像导引算法性能评估中,信号注入式仿真不用将真实导引头引入闭合回路。

    In the evaluation of the infrared imaging guiding algorithm , the signal injection simulation doesnt take the actual guider into the loop .

  18. 通过闭合回路的感应电流与电量&试析电磁感应中两公式成立的条件

    The Induction Current and Electric Quantity Passing through Closed Return Circuit & Analyses of the Tenable Conditions of Two Formulae in Electromagnetic Induction

  19. 利用可压缩气体流动和渗流关系式规范了气发汗闭合回路控制数学模型。

    By using the compressible and permeable theory , it presents a mathematical model of closed loop control with gas transpiration and surface erosion .

  20. 塞贝克电势的产生与大小,取决于构成闭合回路的导体及接点温度。

    The generation of Seebeek potential and its value depends on the conductors comprising the close loop and the temperature at the contact point .

  21. 介绍了钳形接地电阻测试仪的测试原理,即在测量时必须要有一个供电流流过的有效的闭合回路。

    It describes the measure principle of the clamp grounded resister tester , that is , a effective close loop for current flow is necessary when doing the test .

  22. 5月中旬通过闭合回路半实物仿真实验得出随动环电路故障为最大可能的故障模式的结论。

    The semi-hardware-in-large-loop simulation test made in mid-May led to the final conclusion that the open circuitry of the follow-up frame was the most likely cause of the failure .

  23. 但是铠装层有感应电流流过时,每根钢丝中磁力线形成闭合回路,涡流损耗增加。

    However , while induced current flow through armoured layer , closed magnetic force line loop is shaped in each steel wire , eddy loss of armoured layer increases .

  24. 该结论不但适用于闭合回路中的感生电动势的计算,而且也适用于有限长导体上的感生电动势的计算。

    The conclusion not only can be applied in the calculation of electromotive force of close loop , but also can be applied in the calculation of electromotive force of limited conductor .

  25. 使用所研制的两台非金属同轴脉冲管制冷机,通过测量其蓄冷器外壁温度分布的方法,实验验证了基于闭合回路的固有直流的方向;

    Based on the two nonmetallic co-axial PTCs , the experiments validated the directions of the intrinsic DC-flows inhering in the closed loops by measuring the temperature profiles along the outside walls of the regenerators .

  26. 两个方向上的流动都将在闭合回路中运行&使用人民币购买股票的人们在卖出股票时只能获得人民币的所得,以防止内地资本外流。

    Both flows will operate in a closed loop – people who buy using RMB can only receive RMB when they sell the shares , for example – to prevent leakage of capital from the mainland .

  27. 采用统计方法分析铜&水闭合回路振荡热管传热性能与充液率、倾角、热量输入间关系。

    By applying statistical techniques analyzed was the relationship between the heat-transfer performance of the oscillating heat pipe of a copper-water closed loop on the one hand and liquid filling rate , inclination angle and heat input on the other .

  28. 对由于铁芯与夹件接地引出回路接线错误由此因外界电磁场在寄生回路上产生的感应电流进行了分析,提出了工程施工中应注意闭合回路问题。

    What due to wrong connection of the grounding lead circuit of core and clamping pieces , and outside electromagnetic field caused an induced current in the autoeciousness circuit is analyzed , and the closed loop problem that should be adverted in engineering constructing is also presented .

  29. 以某国产600MW机组DCS系统改造为实例,介绍了在老机组改造项目中设计和应用APS系统的方法,并重点探讨了功能组设计和闭合控制回路投自动等关键技术问题。

    Taking the DCS retrofit for a domestically-made 600 MW unit as an example , the design and application of APS to retrofit for aged units are presented , and the essential technical issues such as function group design and the automation of closed loop control circuit are emphatically discussed .

  30. 非闭合导体回路中是否有感应电流

    Is There any Induction Electricity in a Nonclosed Conductor Return Circuit