
  • 网络CONTROLLER;Access Controller
  1. 基于嵌入式Web门禁控制器的网络配置实现

    Achieve of Network Configuration Based on Embeded Web in Access Controller

  2. 基于ARM-Linux的网络门禁控制器软件研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Software in the Access Controller Based on ARM-Linux

  3. 本文研究了嵌入式门禁控制器平台软件的开发技术,并针对具体的需求特点,设计并实现了基于Linux内核的嵌入式门禁控制器平台软件。

    The platform software is designed based on Linux kernel and realized with specific features .

  4. 门禁控制器中的软件是在Linux下用Qt实现,除完成了门禁管理系统基本功能外,还实现了嵌入式桌面管理器、软键盘和中英文输入法、采集视频数据等功能。

    The software of access controller is designed by Qt in Linux Operating System . In addition to accomplishing the basic functions of the Access control management system , it also realized the embedded desktop management , soft keyboard and the text input , capture video data and other functions .

  5. 基于以太网的指纹门禁控制器设计与实现

    Design and realization of fingerprint access controller based on Ethernet

  6. 门禁控制器根据数据包指令控制电子锁开启与关闭。

    Access controller according to packet instructions control the electronic locks on or off .

  7. 一种智能门禁控制器的软件设计

    Design of Intelligent Access Controller Software

  8. 门禁控制器控制功能的长距离扩展

    Extension modules for access control

  9. 门禁控制器设计在实际的工程中得到了验证,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Access controller design in the actual project has been verified , and has broad application prospects .

  10. 通过设计通信和后台管理软件,以及模拟前端门禁控制器程序,实现了网络集中与分布式智能化的管理。

    By designing the communication and back-end management software and simulated entrance guard controller program , we realized the centralized and distributed intelligent management .

  11. 在目前银行已拥有大量银行硬盘录像机,门禁控制器,报警控制器等安防类设备,但单点式安防设备存在很弊端和问题。

    In the current bank has a large number of banks hard disk recorders , access control , alarm control and other security types of equipment , but there is a single-point security equipment are disadvantages and problems .

  12. 该文介绍了一种基于CAN总线的非接触式IC卡门禁与巡更监察系统方案,重点讨论了节点门禁与巡更控制器的设计,并阐述了系统的特色、主要功能及应用前景。

    One kind of scheme in a door control patrol monitor system using contactless IC card based on CAN bus is presented here , laying emphasis on design of a door control patrol device . And the system 's feature , main function and application perspectives are expounded .

  13. 人脸识别门禁系统是基于局域网构建的一个分布式系统,门禁控制器是客户端,门禁服务器是服务器端,局域网是传输媒介。

    Face recognition entrance guard is a distributed system based on local area network . Entrance guard controller is regarded as client , entrance guard server is regarded as server , and LAN is transmitted medium .

  14. 本文以门禁系统发展历程为背景,介绍了非接触式IC卡门禁系统的工作原理,并进行设计和制作,着重对门禁系统的控制器进行详细阐述和设计。

    Based on the background of development access of access control system , the paper introduces the working principle , design and producing of access control system based on non-contact IC card , and focuses on the description and design of access system controller .