
  • card key;access card;Card;Access Control Card
  1. 如果我现在回家拿到门禁卡,我就能在狙击手开枪前找到他。

    If I can get home and get that access card , I can get to the sniper before he takes his shot .

  2. 用户通常得携带食堂卡,门禁卡或考勤卡,因此客户单位非常希望在一张卡片上实现多业务的整合。

    Customers usually have to carry canteen card , access card or attendance card with them , so the customer unit prefers that the multi-business integration can be achieved by one card .

  3. 任何人必须使用门禁卡进入eep。

    All persons entering the EEP must use their access cards .

  4. 采用0.35μmEEPROM工艺,以自主设计的逻辑为控制器,实现多种功能,采用特殊加密方式,可用于门禁卡,小区停车,公司内部电话卡等,具有较高的安全性和功耗低的特点。

    0.35 μ m EEPROM technology is introduced in this paper . Serious kinds of function are implemented by the control logic which is designed autonomously . With special data encryption , this smart IC card can be used in parking card , telephone card used in company .

  5. 这张门禁卡能让我们进去

    This key card could help us get in there .

  6. 单纯申请门禁卡制作,不需动服务。

    To apply for the entrance card only , no clerical service is required .

  7. 上班时……你得随身带着门禁卡自己动手开所有的门。

    AT WORK ... You must carry around a security card and unlock and open all the doors yourself .