
  • 网络Long distance communication network;toll network
  1. 同步数字体系(SDH)和同步光纤网络(SONET)在世界范围广泛应用于城域主干网,长途通信网和广域网。

    Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) and Synchronous Optical Network ( SONET ) are now applied worldwide both in carrier backbone networks , by metropolitan service providers and in large scale WANs by end-user organizations .

  2. 长途通信网汇接方案它汇集市场需求的信息。

    Trunk switching scheme It collects information about market needs .

  3. 中国联通长途通信网的建设与发展

    Construction and Development of China Unicom Long Distance Network

  4. 擅长临场发挥的演员.交通专用卫星长途通信网建成并实现了全国联网,在推进交通信息化方面发挥了作用。

    The satellite telecommunication network specialized in transport has been set up and networked nationwide , greatly promoting the informationization of the transport sector .

  5. 一种长途通信电缆网干线监控系统的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of a NMCS on Cable Network