
  • 网络Sheraton Changsha Hotel
  1. 在这两股力量的带动下,加上长沙运达喜来登酒店员工的辛勤努力,酒店以后的经营一定会创造更多奇迹。

    Under such two influences , together with efforts from every employee for a better performance , Sheraton Changsha Hotel is sure to gain more success in the future and Mr.

  2. 这两个各具特色的城市和品牌强强联手,促成了长沙运达喜来登酒店,它带着优质的服务和良好的硬件设施为长沙的酒店业又添了一抹亮色。

    The unity of Sheraton brand and the city created Sheraton Changsha Hotel , which has added another highlight to the local hospitality industry with its high quality services and facilities .