- 网络Changjiang Estuary;the yangtze river estuary;yangtze delta

Model selection and verification for a typical spur dike 's scour depth in the Yangtze River Estuary
A new light model sand-asphaltic sand was used in the Yangtze river estuary sediment model , the applied result is successful .
The Adsorption of Fine Sediment for Pb , Cd , Cu
Genetic diversity in Coilia ectenes by RAPD analysis
Emission and Consumption of CH_4 、 CO_2 in Coastal Wetland of Yangtze Estuary
Geochemistry features of Pb-210 in the estuary of the Changjiang River and its adjacent shelf
Distribution and characteristics of nutrients ( n , p , si ) in the estuary of Changjiang River in june , 1980
The Forms of Pb , Mn , Cd and Fe in the Suspensoid from the Estuary of Changjiang River
The GPS control network and it 's transformation parameters of the first stage deep water channel project in the entrance of Yangtze river
Contents and spatial distributions of AVS and SEM in Wusong-Liuhe coastal sediments in Yangtze Estuary
Firstly it is analyzed the daily SST variation in the Changjiang estuary .
Feeding Characteristics of Penaeus orientalis at the Outer Zone of the Changjiang Estuary
Behaviors of suspended particulate materials in Yangtze River Estuary ⅱ . analysis of fe , Cu and Pb of suspended particulate materials in January 1986
The regulatory effects of salinity and pH on NH4 + dynamics in tidal flat sediments have been studied in East Chongming tidal flat , using sediment slurries .
Monitoring of the redox environment caused by city tail water discharged into Changjiang Estuary and effect on it forms of Hg , Cr
The Test Using Signal Strength Data to Monitor Suspended Sediment Concentration in Changjiang Estuary
Distribution of Poly chlorinated Organic Compound in Yangtze Estuary and its Correlation with TOC and Particle Size
Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs ) in Suspended Particulate Matters from the Yangtze Estuarine and Coastal Areas
Accumulation , transformation and ecological risk assessment of POPs in multi-phases from the Yangtze Estuarine and coastal ecosystem
A Study of Suspended Sediment Dynamic Processes Based on Observations Using ADP and OBS in the Changjiang Estuary
This paper introduces the innovative application of GPS positioning technique in Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Project , including establishment of a Local GPS Control Network and Elevation Anomaly Control Network ;
The seasonal SST variation in the Changjiang estuary is studied . The highest SST appears in August and the lowest SST in February among a year .
In summer two maxima of ATP were found along the salinity gradient , the first one coincided with turbidity peak near the river mouth and was attributed to bacteria .
The concentrations of active Cr , Pb , Cu , and Zn in the intertidal sediments of Yangtze estuary were extracted by three extraction procedures ( Tessier sequential extraction , DTPA and HCl ) .
Remote sensing detection of suspended sediment was carried out in the Yangtse River estuary by the utility of MODIS images and analysis of principles of sediment remote sensing detection .
Petroleum-derived contamination may be dominant source in the study area , depending on the distributions of fluoranthene / pyrene and 2 + 3 ringed and 4 ringed PAHs compounds in surface sediments .
A momentum BP neural network model ( MBPNNM ) was constructed to retrieve the water depth information for the South Channel of the Yangtze River Estuary using the relationship between reflectance derived from Landsat ETM + satellite data and water depth information .
Spatial Distribution of Semivolatile Organic Compounds in the Sediments of Yangtze River Estuary
Using static closed chamber technique , the emission and uptake fluxes of three primary green-house gases ( CO_2 , CH_4 and N_2O ) were measured on the spot in the Chongming east intertidal flat ( CM ) .
The oil pollution of wastewater containing oil in tidal areas of the Changjiang Estuary and Hangzhou Bay is calculated by using the Princeton Ocean Model ( POM ), which is a three-dimensional model .