
  • 网络long-term change;secular variation;secular change;secular change of growth
  1. 方法根据湖北省、武汉市有关部门和单位历年发布的学生生长发育资料,统计分析不同年代体格发育指标的生长水平和月经初潮平均年龄及其长期变化(secularchangeofgrowth)趋势;

    Method Use data of physical growth of student from relative departments in Wuhan and Hubei province to analysis the level of physical growth , the mean menarche age and secular change of growth in different years ;

  2. 长江三角洲气温的长期变化

    Long-term Change of Surface Air Temperature in Yangtze Delta

  3. 转换函数B的长期变化和季节变化不明显;

    The seasonal and secular changes in transfer functions B are not evident .

  4. 华北地区地磁总场F长期变化特征及应用方法

    Long-term variation characteristics of general geomagnetic field F in North China and its application method

  5. 华北地区地磁场Z分量长期变化的拟合与预测

    Fitting and prediction of secular geomagnetic Z component variations in North China

  6. 地球主磁场B和它的长期变化.B都起源于地球外核的磁流体发电机过程,但是,它们的空间结构和时间演化特征却有很大差异。

    The main geomagnetic field , B , and its secular variation ,, originate from same dynamo process in the outer core .

  7. 武汉上空背景Na层长期变化和夜间变化特征的激光雷达观测研究

    Lidar Study of the Background Na Layer Over Wuhan : Long Term and Nighttime Variations

  8. 北及赤道东太平洋SST近半个世纪的长期变化

    The SST Variations in North and Eastern Equatorial Pacific from 1951 to 1997

  9. 用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)模拟方法和t检验法对气象要素的长期变化进行了统计检验。

    Monte Carlo simulation approach and t-test method are used in checking the significance of the long term changes of meteorological elements .

  10. 应用初步建立的全球二维大气化学模式,对工业革命以来甲烷的长期变化进行了模拟研究。模式将CH4、CO和NOx排放源方案进行了参数化。

    A global two-dimensional chemistry model is developed to study long-term trends of methane ( CH4 ) since industrial revolution .

  11. 用曲面Spline方法表示1900~1936年中国(部分地区)地磁场及其长期变化的分布

    Distributions of the geomagnetic field and its secular variations expressed by the surface Spline method in China ( a part ) for 1900 ~ 1936

  12. 本文从讨论纬度公共Z项长期变化的规律入手,证实了纬度非极变化中存在着某些长周期项。

    After an analysis of the secular variation of the common Z-Term in latitude , the existence of the non-polar long period terms in latitude is verified .

  13. 天龙座食双星RZ周期的长期变化及其测光轨道解

    Long-term period changes and photometric orbital solution of RZ Draconis

  14. 结果表明:(1)以EOF分析观测数据具有一定的物理意义,其基函数表征TEC的日变化,系数表征TEC的长期变化;

    Its base function signifies the diurnal variation of TEC , and the coefficient signifies the long term variation of TEC .

  15. 认为同时间里各台Z分量的变化差异,主要是各地长期变化速率不同引起的。

    Meanwhile , it is considered that the variation of z component of each station is different , which was caused mainly by different variation rate of long-term variation in different localities .

  16. 近百年全球平均气温年际变率中的QBO长期变化特征

    Quasi-Biennial Oscillation Variability in Interannual Variance of the Global Surface Temperature during the Last 100-Year Period

  17. 采用东北地区99个测站1960~2000年逐日降水资料,运用小波分析、突变分析、旋转EOF等方法,研究了东北地区不同区域夏季降水的长期变化特征。

    Summer precipitation data in Northeast China from 1960 to 2000 was used to study the temporal and spatial features of summer rainfall .

  18. 使用1979年1月至1984年12月向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,对热带地区积云对流的长期变化特征进行了研究。

    Using OLR data of 1979 to 1984 , the long-term variation features for cumulus convection over the tropical region are studied .

  19. 能量密度谱的长期变化存在大约60a的周期规律。

    There are periodic regulation about 60a for secular variation of the energy density spectrum .

  20. 根据IGRF计算1995~2000年中国及邻区地磁长期变化

    Geomagnetic secular variation over China and adjacent areas for 1995 ~ 2000 calculated from international geomagnetic reference field

  21. 基于广义相加模型的Poisson回归,运用自然立方样平滑函数,控制时间的长期变化趋势和季节性趋势、星期几效应、相对湿度等混杂因素,拟合时间序列回归模型。

    For the time series regression , we fitted the Poisson generalized additive model , after adjustment for long-term and seasonal trends using natural cubic smooth splines , day of week , and relative humidity .

  22. 使用RS和GIS方法,基于LANDSATTM/ETM+卫星影像数据,研究了岸线长期变化过程中空间数据的表示和处理问题。

    Secondly , utilizing Landsat TM / ETM + images , during the course of the coastline secular variation , the questions of the spatial data organization and processing have been studied by the means of RS and GIS .

  23. 利用昌黎、红山等台站的地磁Z分量日变资料,分析了磁静日幅度、磁扰日幅度和磁静日低点时间的年变化与长期变化,结果年变化和长期变化都非常明显。

    The magnetically quiet day and magnetically disturbed day as well as the low point time at the magnetically quiet day are analyzed by the annual variation and secular variation of geomagnetic Z component datum observed at Changli and Hongshan Stations .

  24. 通过癌症后患者的自体移植物,MartinHalle和同事们第一次对放疗后血管的长期变化进行了研究。

    By studying autografts that have been carried out after cancer , Martin Halle and colleagues have now for the first time managed to study the long-term effects of radiotherapy on human blood vessels .

  25. SLR和卫星测高的潮汐解被用来计算月球轨道根数相对黄道坐标系的长期变化和地球自转速率的长期变化。

    The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon 's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system .

  26. 研究表明:近百年中,赤道东太平洋海温的长期变化不仅具有准两年(QBO)和3-7年(LFO)的年际振荡,而且具有10-12年、18-20年和30-40年的年代际振荡。

    The results show that the SST long term variation over equatorial east Pacific displayed the QBO , 3-7y ( LFO ), 10-12y , 18-20y and30-40y with interdecadal variation in these oscillations .

  27. 用国际参考地磁场模型(IGRF)分析了地磁场能量在地球内部的分布及其长期变化。

    The eighth generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Filed ( IGRF ) is used to study distribution of geomagnetic energy in the Earth 's interior and its secular variations .

  28. 模型(BJ)和国际地磁参考场模型(IGRF)从理论上计算并分析了1690年以来地磁场能量在地球内部的分布及长期变化。

    Jackson ( BJ ) and the International Geomagnetic Reference Field ( IGRF ), the distribution of geomagnetic field and its secular variation going back to 1690 year are calculated and analyzed theoretically .

  29. 目的分析青岛市儿童40a来生长的长期变化规律,探讨经济发展与生长的长期变化关系。

    Objective To analyze the secular growth changes of children in the past 40 years in Qingdao , and to explore the relationship between secular growth changes and social economics .

  30. 用3层4个关键区域的风定义了全球平均以及110-120°E范围的Hadley环流逐月强度指数,并据此研究了Hadley环流的长期变化。

    The intensity index of Hadley circulation is defined and calculated by using 4 key regions of 3 levels wind data for the southern / northern hemisphere and the global . Results indicate that the index we calculate can denote Hadley circulation intensity reasonably .