
chánɡ chénɡ qì chē
  • Great Wall Motor;Great Wall Automobile
  1. 长城汽车(GreatWallMotor)就是一个很好的例子。

    Great Wall Motor is a good example .

  2. 一流SUV企业长城汽车(GreatWallMotorCo.)飙升了80%,但目前公司的利润率势头已经减弱。

    Leading SUV-maker Great Wall Motor 's shares climbed 80 % , but now its margins are moderating .

  3. 以长城汽车(GreatWallMotors)为例,今年早些时候它的市盈率超过12倍,如今已跌至7倍。

    Great Wall Motors , for example , was trading at more than 12 times earnings earlier in the year but has fallen to 7 times .

  4. 长城汽车股份有限公司(GreatWallMotorCo.简称:长城汽车)将发布H8SUV,这款车之前因质量问题被推迟发布。

    Great Wall Motor Co. will launch its H8 SUV , which had been delayed over quality concerns .

  5. 长城汽车已锁定欧盟(U)贫穷和最新加入的成员国,将它们作为自己最终进军西欧的试点市场。

    Great Wall has targeted the EU 's poorest and newest members as test markets for their eventual arrival in western Europe .

  6. 长城汽车(GreatWall)是中国最大的新兴汽车制造商之一。它利用从美国进口的设备和假人,在自己位于华北的工厂里安装了一套拥有最先进技术水平的碰撞测试装置。

    Great Wall , one of the biggest rising carmakers , has installed a state-of-the-art crash test facility at its plant in northern China , using equipment and dummies imported from the US .

  7. 长城汽车(GreatWallMotorCo.)市场占有率从去年的3.2%提高至3.5%,这主要得益于该公司主打SUV。

    Great Wall Motor Co. has seen its market share rise to 3.5 % from 3.2 % last year on the strength of its dependence on SUVs .

  8. 与规模较小的竞争对手长城汽车(greatwallmotors)一样,华晨已决定在美欧推出汽车,藉此更为迅速地了解当地用户的需求,即使这种做法会在短期内带来一些问题。

    Brilliance , like its smaller competitor Great Wall , has decided it will learn more quickly about what US and European customers want by launching its vehicles there , even if it means some short-term problems .

  9. 香港上市的中国汽车公司长城汽车(greatwallmotor),正在中国起诉菲亚特(fiat)窃取商业机密,此举明显是对意大利法院裁定长城汽车抄袭菲亚特一款车型的回应。

    Great Wall Motor , a Hong Kong-listed Chinese car company , is suing Fiat in China for industrial espionage in an apparent response to an Italian court ruling that great wall copied a Fiat car model .

  10. 除了以运动型多功能车(suv)驰名的民营企业长城汽车(greatwallmotors)等几家知名公司之外,中国的大多数汽车公司都瞄准了低端出口市场。

    With a few notable exceptions , such as Great Wall Motors , a privately owned Chinese group best known for its sport utility vehicles , most Chinese car companies are targeting the lower end of export markets .

  11. 长城汽车避开了妨碍其竞争对手的一些问题,比如设计抄袭,并选择进入SUV这一细分市场。

    Great Wall avoided some of the issues that hamper its peers , including copycat designs , and has chosen a niche market in SUVs .

  12. 不过,由于海外汽车制造商正在美国等其他市场进行类似改进,他们对引入新技术准备比较充分。这样一来,本土车企如长城汽车(GreatWall)、吉利汽车(Geely)反而有最多工作要做。

    Still , foreign makers are well positioned to inject new technology , since they 're making similar improvements in other markets like the U.S. That leaves locals such as Great Wall and Geely with the most work to do .

  13. 一些中国大型汽车制造商计划在未来数年正面进军欧洲汽车市场,但中国最大的SUV和皮卡生产商长城汽车(GreatWallMotors)则打算迂回潜入。

    While some of China 's larger automakers intend to leap into the European car market in coming years , Great Wall Motors , China 's largest producer of SUVs and pick-up trucks , is looking to sneak in by the back door .

  14. 在上月销量最高的SUV和MPV制造商中,大家所熟悉的长城汽车和上汽通用五菱汽车成功卫冕。

    The top SUV maker and MPV maker last month are familiar to all : Great Wall Motor and SAIC General Motor Wuling stayed on their segment thrones .

  15. 长城汽车在中国十大汽车制造商中屈居末席(见图表1),但它生产的皮卡和休闲越野车(suv)已经出口到了澳大利亚、意大利和几个相对贫穷的国家。

    Great Wall only just makes the top-ten list of Chinese carmakers ( see chart 1 ) . But already its pickup trucks and sport-utility vehicles ( SUVs ) are being driven in Australia , Italy and several poorer countries .

  16. 受此消息影响,长城汽车A股昨日收涨5%。

    A shares closed up 5 per cent on the news .

  17. 从长城汽车零部件生产投资计划来看,到2018年时其新能源汽车产量将达到50万辆。

    Great Wall 's component investment implies 500000 units by 2018 .

  18. 新投资对于长城汽车实现增长至关重要。

    New investment is critical for Great Wall to find growth .

  19. 面对国外品牌的竞争,长城汽车及其同伴必须捍卫自己的业务。

    Great wall and its peers are having to defend their businesses against foreign brands .

  20. 长城汽车没有外国合伙人,这种情况在中国汽车制造商中很少见。

    Great Wall is one of the few Chinese makers to lack such a foreign partner .

  21. 长城汽车很快将推出新车型,但其近期推出的车型未能提振销量。

    Great Wall has new models due soon but recent launches have failed to bolster volumes .

  22. 此外,长城汽车被设置为在2013年再投入实施的新基地。

    In addition , Great Wall Motor is set to put another new base into operation in2013 .

  23. 长城汽车生产线的工人想要证明他们能够生产出性价比高的汽车。

    The workers at the Greatwall car plant want to prove they can produce quality at low cost .

  24. 在中国汽车出口商中排名第四、产品档次最为高端的长城汽车采取了不同的战略。

    Great Wall , the fourth-largest and most upmarket of the Chinese exporters , has a different strategy .

  25. 不久,长城汽车计划开拓东南欧市场,接着便是整个欧洲大陆市场。

    Very soon , they want to expand first southeast of Europe , and then to the entire continent .

  26. 据刘宏凯介绍,长城汽车仍在打那场官司,预期明年3月会有最终裁决。

    Great Wall is still fighting the case and expects a final verdict in March next year , according to Mr Liu .

  27. 中国长城汽车在保加利亚的汽车生产线已投入生产,厂里工人们正组装的车就是中国进军欧洲市场的立足点。

    What workers at Greatwall Automobile vehicle plant of Bulgaria are putting together , is China 's foothold in the European market .

  28. 王凤英当时说长城汽车正从全球各地挖人才,并寻求和更多的跨国零部件供应商合作。

    Wang said it was looking to bring engineering talent in from around the world , and to work with global suppliers .

  29. 与此同时,宝马已与长城汽车建立合资企业,敲定了在中国生产电动迷你车的计划。

    BMW , meanwhile , has finalized plans to produce electric Minis in the country through a joint venture with Great Wall Motor .

  30. 管理层了解长城汽车的主要卖点是价格低,也强调低价并不影响车的质量。

    Management acknowledges Greatwall 's main selling point is the low price , but says that does not come the expense of quality .