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zhuó zi
  • bracelet
镯子 [zhuó zǐ]
  • [bracelet] 指戴在手、脚腕部的环状饰物

  • 玉镯子

镯子[zhuó zi]
  1. 她看见他手上的银镯子在阳光下闪烁。

    She could see the sun flashing off his silver bracelet .

  2. 镯子里的东西都是你的,以后慢慢看吧。

    Bracelet Lane things are for you , After slowly Look here .

  3. 我是在用帽子和镯子引诱你,引你上钩

    I am tempting you with bonnets and bangles and leading you into a pit .

  4. 谢谢你的提醒,我女儿喜欢镯子。

    Thank you for your reminding . My daughter likes bracelets .

  5. 您想买金的、银的、还是玉的镯子?

    Would you like to have gold , silver or jade bracelets ?

  6. 这对鸡血石的镯子成色很好。

    The quality of this pair of bloodstone bracelets is very good .

  7. 最后一次退火,这时的镯子裹着薄薄的一层氧化银。

    Last anneal treatment , left the beauty covered in oxidized silver .

  8. 铑被镀的镯子与清楚水晶铺圈;乒乓键关闭。

    Rhodium-plated bracelet with clear crystal pav é loops ; toggle closure .

  9. 戴在手腕上的镯子或装饰性的带子。

    A band or bracelet worn around the wrist .

  10. 以纺织物料制造的表带、表圈子及表镯子

    " Watch straps , watch bands and watch bracelets , of textile materials "

  11. 你为什么悠闲地坐在那里,把镯子玩得丁当作响呢?

    Why do you sit there and jingle your bracelets in mere idle sport ?

  12. 蛇就盘结在小王子的脚腕子上,象一只金镯子。

    He twined himself around the little prince 's ankle , like a golden bracelet .

  13. 熬到这里,看着快成型的镯子不禁笑出声来,沉甸甸的很踏实。

    Couldn 't help laughing when the bracelet shaped piece of work came into my eyes .

  14. 她手上戴着丈夫给的钻戒和情人送的金镯子。

    She wears a diamond ring from her husband and a gold band from her lover .

  15. 他把一只镯子套在他妻子的胳膊上作为爱情的纪念。

    He fastened a bracelet on the arm of his wife as a token of his love .

  16. 黑色天鹅绒的镯子带有一镀银的花边在上面。

    Black velvet bracelets with closure that will have a silver plated ( metal ) flower on the velvet .

  17. 又用妆饰打扮你,将镯子戴在你手上,将金链戴在你项上。

    And I made you fair with ornaments and put jewels on your hands and a chain on your neck .

  18. 第四件是一个银镯子,不是很值钱,但是很好看。

    Next , there is a silver bracelet , this is not so expensive , but it 's quite pretty .

  19. 她臂上有镯子,她耳上挂着珍珠;她的头发拖到地板上。

    She has bracelets on her arms and pearl drops in her ears ; her hair sweeps down upon the floor .

  20. 跟他们类似的人,她们的呼吸也给红茶、果酱弄得甜丝丝的,扭动时,她们腕上的镯子在窃笑着。

    Their likes : their breaths , too , sweetened with tea and jam , their bracelets tittering in the struggle .

  21. 今天我给女朋友买了一个700美刀的镯子做圣诞礼物,然后暗示她我想要一副奥克利墨镜。

    Today , after buying my girlfriend a $ 700 bracelet for Christmas , I hinted that I wanted a pair of Oakleys .

  22. 杨宝并不想接受这些礼物,但那个褐衣男孩一再坚持,最后他只好收下了镯子。

    Yang Pao did not want to take the gift , but the little boy dressed in brown insisted , so he finally took the bracelets .

  23. 我是在用帽子和镯子引诱你,引你上钩。犯人以其店铺作为引诱贫女的陷阱。

    I am tempting you with bonnets and bangles and leading you into a pit . The man used his shop as a decoy for poor girls .

  24. 汲着结带的高跟拖鞋,手上戴着木镯子,嘴里嚼着口香糖,她从欠款人的亲威朋友那里哄骗出欠款人的办公室电话和手机号码并找到他们。

    With laced-up stiletto sandals , wood bangles and a wad of chewing gum , she wheedles work and cellphone numbers out of debtors'relatives to track them down .

  25. 有些孩子笑了起来,她制止住孩子们的笑声,惊呼这个镯子是多么漂亮,她带上了它,并洒了些香水在手腕上。

    She stifled the children 's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was , putting it on , and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist .

  26. 所以,我对镇长的妻子的认识就是一只手,和戴着一只沉重的象牙镯子的手腕。

    All I knew about the wife was a hand and a wrist with a heavy ivory bracelet , and surely , the somewhat hard breathing at the same time .

  27. 如今我们将各人所得的金器,就是脚链子,镯子,打印的戒指,耳环,手钏,都送来为耶和华的供物,好在耶和华面前为我们的生命赎罪。

    So we have brought as an offering to the LORD the gold articles each of us acquired armlets , bracelets , signet rings , earrings and necklaces to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD .

  28. 我们会跑出去,看着他们的队伍在街道上行进,男人满身尘灰,脸色沧桑,女人披着长长的、色彩斑斓的肩巾,挂着珠链,手腕和脚踝都戴着银镯子。

    We 'd run outside to watch the caravan plod through our street , men with dusty , weather-beaten faces and women dressed in long , colorful shawls , beads , and silver bracelets around their wrists and ankles .
