
  • 网络Camera language;shot language
  1. 挥洒自在的镜头语言,但不失严谨的技术坚持。

    For its free-spirited camera language without sacrificing the tightly-wrought techniques .

  2. 镜头语言是影视植入式广告的基础语言。

    Lens language is the basic language of film and television product placement .

  3. 娴熟地驾御影视镜头语言,在很少人物对白的情况下展开故事情节。

    A master of camera language and the story spread out with few dialogues .

  4. 动作的压缩与延展&香港动作片的两极镜头语言

    The Lens Language Study of Hongkong Action Movies

  5. 而这些,都是通过镜头语言来表现。

    And these are impressed by lens language .

  6. 镜头语言是如何表达情感的?

    How do camera express emotion ?

  7. 论文通过对诗词表情达意的方式及对其意境的分析来映射到镜头语言上。

    This paper maps the poems to the lens language by analyzing its expressing method and artistic conceptions .

  8. 本论文围绕镜头语言在影视植入式广告中的应用这一主题展开。

    This paper discusses the topic around the application of lens language in film and television product placement .

  9. 这些摄影作品所凸显的镜头语言不断的向我们暗示着取景框背后一双观看之眼的冷静存在。

    The camera language in these pictures indicates the existence of her sober eyes watching from behind the frame .

  10. 第二、概述镜头语言的运用在动画电影中情感表达的作用。

    Second , an overview of the use of the language of the camera in the animated film of emotional expression .

  11. 而这样的特性是由动画最基本的语法&视听语言决定的,特别是镜头语言的特性决定的。

    This feature is the basic syntax by animation-visual language , in particular the characteristics of the language of the camera .

  12. 本论文就是要由外而内,内外结合的辩证的去研究动画电影中的镜头语言对情感表达的作用。

    This paper is meant to from the outside , inside and outside the dialectic animated film camera language of emotional expression .

  13. 镜头语言与情感表达之间是否有一种放之四海而皆准的规律可遵循?还只是创作中作者灵感突发的一种偶然事件?

    Dose a immovable rule of emotional expression of camera language exist ? Or it is depend on the fortuitous inspiration of the author ?

  14. 从镜头语言的话语功能上看,《三峡好人》具有以下的艺术特色:关注现实,反映当下的社会问题;

    From discourse function of lens language , Still Life has following artistic features : paying attention to reality to reflect recent social problem ;

  15. 它的现代性的深远指向包括人物形象所包含的现代意蕴,艺术上包括叙事结构和镜头语言所表现的现代性。

    Its far-reaching modern direction includes the modern implication that the figue imagery contains and the modernism that the narrating structure and camera language represent .

  16. 通过当前镜头语言发展状况的研究,我们预测未来的镜头语言在影像中的地位和作用。

    Through the current development status of camera language study , we predict the future of camera language in the position and role of images .

  17. 金基德以其特有的理性批判态度,用极具东方传统审美意蕴的镜头语言,深刻地再现出他对生命、对人性和人类意识的深度透视。

    Kim Ki-duk presents his profoundly perspective on life , humanity and consciousness with his proper rational critical attitude and his orient traditional film language .

  18. 至于照片内容本身,在镜头语言上是完全不同的,镜头语言才是最关键的不是么?

    With regards to the content , from the lens language , it is completely different . Isn 't'the language of the lens most critical ?

  19. 动画效果流畅自然,飘逸灵动,在细节制作方面精益求精;镜头语言优美隽永,节奏舒缓,富于诗意;想象瑰丽,生动有趣。

    Animation effect is smooth and natural , elegant smart in detail banner and perfection . Movie camera language graceful meaningful , slow , pure poetry .

  20. 从诗词入手,进行镜头语言艺术研究,尝试、结、炼出具有东方特色的电影语言。

    And by proceeding with the poems , the lens language art will be studied and the Oriental characteristic movie language can be experimented , concluded and abstracted .

  21. 电影评论,简称影评,其目的在于分析、鉴定和评价蕴含在银幕中的审美价值、社会意义、镜头语言等。

    The purpose of a movie review is to analyze , identify and evaluate the aesthetic value , social significance and the camera language implied in the screen .

  22. 从人物的性格塑造到叙事结构的编排及镜头语言的运用,无不体现了现代人们的一种“窥淫”心理。

    The creation of characters , the arrangement of the narrative structure and the application of mirror language all reflect the so-called scopophilia of people in modern times .

  23. 把镜头语言对情感表达的作用具体分为故事叙事、艺术形象建构与塑造、思想感情的传达。

    Divided into specific language of the camera on the role of emotional expression story narrative , artistic image of the construction and shaping the communication of thoughts and feelings .

  24. 文章分析空间以及建构空间的镜头语言,试图在话语之外发现侯麦电影潜在的更丰富的表意内容。

    This paper analyses the space and the lens language of building the space just for the purpose of finding the potential and much richer ideographic contents in his movies .

  25. 其次是《喜玛拉雅》,以质朴的镜头语言,冷静的叙事基调,来表现朵洱泊人的生命状态和生存意识。

    Followed by " Himalaya ", the plain language of the camera , calm tone of the narrative , to show the state of life and survival awareness of the flower-er parked .

  26. 改编的节奏与韵律这是指影视艺术特殊性节奏,不仅包括事件、时间、场景等情节内容的张弛,镜头语言自身的节奏也值得格外关注。

    The adapting rhythm and charm part main research the special art feature of movie and television art , including event , time and scene and the shot rhythm must pay attention .

  27. 第四章分析女性电影对于传统电影语言的批判,通过对镜头语言的女性化解读,解析出女性电影特有的电影语言。

    The third chapter , analysis of female film for traditional film language criticism , women on the streets of language to solve read , parse the unique female film film language .

  28. 其次是镜头语言的含蕴丰富,影片中意象具有象征性、细节具有表现力,道具也能够起到辅助人物情绪表现的作用。

    Secondly , it is bounding with the language . In the film the image carries symbolism , the details express very well and the props also can help people to express their emotions .

  29. 虽然镜头语言一直被公认为电影中的当家花旦,但影片中各种声音因素所带来的审美享受也是不可替代,不容忽视的。

    Although the language of lens has long been recognized as a main actor in a movie , the aesthetic enjoyment brought from each kind of sound factors in the movie cannot be substituted and neglected .

  30. 通过和新电影、后新电影时期青春片的对比,总结了新青春电影在题材、叙事主题、镜头语言和地域特色等方面的新特征。

    In comparison with the youth movie of Taiwan New Cinema and Post New Cinema , the paper concludes the new features of New Taiwanese Youth movie in subject , theme , scene language and local characteristic .