
zhèn jìnɡ yào
  • sedative;tranquilizer
  1. 这种植物被用作治疗神经痛时的镇静药。

    The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia .

  2. 我得到了药效不强的镇静药助我入睡。

    I was given a mild sedative to help me sleep .

  3. 多数病人服了大剂量镇静药。

    Most of the patients are heavily sedated .

  4. 配合应用UV与GC鉴定15种安眠镇静药

    Identifications of fifteen hypnotic - sedative drugs by UV and GC

  5. EMG与AAI在给予镇静药前后均出现显著性差异,TOF无统计学意义。

    EMG and AAI showed significant difference before and after the administration of sedatives while TOF had no statistic significance .

  6. 视觉诱发电位使用肌电诱发电位仪,在20~25℃安静屏蔽室内检查,检查前3d内禁服中枢镇静药和抗精神病药物。

    Electromyographic evoked potential meter was used for examination of visual evoked potential at 20 to 25 ℃ in a quiet shield room , and they were forbidden to taken any drug for central sedation and antipsychotic drugs within the 3 days before examination .

  7. 一种戊巴比妥酸盐(商品名Nembutal)用作镇静药和催眠和反间歇性痉挛。

    A barbiturate ( trade name Nembutal ) used as a sedative and hypnotic and anti-spasmodic .

  8. 治疗精神分裂症和其他精神病的镇静药(商品名Mellaril)。

    A tranquilizer ( trade name Mellaril ) used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders .

  9. 目的:比较异丙酚、吗啡或普通镇静药对于外科重症监护病房(SICU)患者全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)、机械通气时间及住外科ICU时间的影响。

    Objective : To compare the effect of propofol , morphine or traditional analgesics-sedatives on systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ), time requires for mechanical ventilation and the duration of stay in surgical intensive care unit ( SICU ) .

  10. 欧克西克锭一种麻醉性的生物碱,C18H21NO4,和可待因有关的,用作止育药和镇静药,主要以其盐酸化物盐的形式存在。

    A narcotic alkaloid , C18H21NO4 , related to codeine , used as an analgesic and a sedative chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride salt .

  11. 她服了很强的镇静药,不该受打扰。

    She 's under strong sedation and should not be disturbed .

  12. 吃一片你妈妈的镇静药什么的。

    Take one of your mom 's valiums or something .

  13. 我没有吃他们给我的镇静药。

    I didn 't take that nerve medicine they wanted to give me .

  14. 不那样,我也会吃一大堆抗镇静药。

    Either that , or I also took a whole bunch of anti-depressants .

  15. 给病人服了一片镇静药。

    A sedative had been administered to the patient .

  16. 药物主要包括血管活性药和镇静药。

    The vaso - active drugs and analgesics are the main administered drugs .

  17. 术后不需追加抗胆碱药,90%患者不需追加镇静药。

    90 % of the patients did not need to be given sedative .

  18. 这个病人在服用一种医生常开的镇静药。

    The patient was taking a widely prescribed sedative .

  19. 免费供应一包包的镇静药。

    Packets of the soothing medicine were available free .

  20. 我还在服用你开的镇静药。

    I am taking those sedatives you prescribed .

  21. 你需要吃点镇静药。

    You need to take a chill pill .

  22. 麻醉镇静药在胃镜检查中的应用

    Applications of anaesthetic during the gastroscopy

  23. 自从1967年7月起,澳大利亚的镇静药处方受到限制。

    Since July 1967 there has been a restriction on the prescribing of sedatives in Australia .

  24. 我们对机械通气患者镇痛镇静药的应用和效果评价作一综述。

    We will summarize the application and effect assessment of sedative and analgesic in mechanically ventilated patients .

  25. 医生让他口服抗焦虑药舍曲林和镇静药硝氯安定,并让他重返战场。

    The doctor sent him back to war armed with the antidepressant Zoloft and the antianxiety drug clonazepam .

  26. 不需要静脉内滴注镇静药,整个费用比光学结肠镜便宜。

    There is no need for intravenous sedation , and the procedure is less costly than conventional colonoscopy .

  27. 抗生素、脂肪乳剂、地高辛和镇静药为最常涉及的药物。

    Most commonly suspected drugs associated with the ADR were antibiotics , fat emulsions , digoxin , and sedatives .

  28. 右美托咪啶是一种较新型的镇静药,具有镇静、镇痛作用。

    Dexmedetomidine is a relative new agent used in intensive care unit ( ICU ), which has sedative and analgesic properties .

  29. 止痛药,镇静药,麻醉药,兴奋剂。

    This is a painkiller , this is a sedative , this is a tranquilizer , and this is a stimulant .

  30. 20世纪60年代,服用“反应停”催眠镇静药的母亲生出的婴儿严重畸形,如没有手指的手或没腿的脚。

    Mothers who took the drug thalidomide in the1960s gave birth to babies with terrible deformities , such as hands without fingers , orfeetwithout legs .