
  • 网络ferromanganese crusts;Manganese concretion
  1. 富Co铁锰结壳铂族元素与铼-锇同位素组成及其意义

    PGE and Re-Os isotope compositions and their significances of Co-rich ferromanganese crusts

  2. 为此分析了取自中太平洋两块铁锰结壳样品的Pb同位素组成,获得了整个新生代的中太平洋Pb同位素演化历史。

    Here we present Pb isotopes of two ferromanganese crusts from Central Pacific , and obtain Pb isotope time series over the Cenozoic period in Central Pacific Ocean .

  3. 微波消解ICP-AES法测量铁锰结壳中的砷

    Determination of arsenic in ferromanganese crust by ICP-AES with microwave obturation digestion

  4. 富Co铁锰结壳不仅异常富集铂族元素,而且铂族元素及其它亲铁元素的配分与陨石特征非常相似。

    Cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts are significantly rich in platinum group elements , and the partition of platinum group elements in cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts is very similar to that of meteorite .

  5. 对取自东菲律宾海深水区致密&半固结沉积物表层的新型铁锰结壳典型样品进行了X射线衍射、X射线荧光、电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱及加速器质谱研究。

    XRD , XRF , ICP-OES and ICP-MS analyses were carried out on typical new-type ferromanganese crusts sampled on the surface of compact to half-solid sediment from deepwater areas of the East Philippine Sea .

  6. 主要对中太平洋和西北太平洋5座海山的17个铁锰结壳新壳层样品进行了结构构造分析和REE含量测定。

    17 ferromanganese crust samples in Central Pacific area and West Pacific area were analyzed structurally and the REE contents were determined with the ICP_MS method .

  7. 铁锰结壳的铼-锇同位素组成明显有别于大陆地壳岩石,和K-T界线沉积物相似,接近陨石值。

    The Re Os isotope composition is obviously different from the rocks of the continental crust , but similar to the K T boundary sediment , and close to the meteorite .

  8. 通过对西太平洋麦哲伦海山M1-1,M2-1铁锰结壳样品超微化石的分析,在Ⅱ+Ⅲ层结壳层中发现了中新世以来的超微化石种类H.carteri,C。

    Based on the study of nannofossils in ferromanganese crusts MDD-53-1 and MED-48-1 collected from Magellan Seamounts in the western Pacific , the nannofossil species H. carteri , C.

  9. 约翰斯顿岛附近海山富钴锰结壳的元素组成及地球化学特征

    Element Composition and Geochemical Characteristics of Co-rich Mn-crust from Johnston Island

  10. 中北太平洋铁锰结壳钕同位素演化研究

    Neodymium Isotope Evolution of Ferromanganese Crusts from Central Pacific Ocean

  11. 东菲律宾海新型富铁锰结壳的古海洋环境记录

    Paleoenvironments Recorded in a New-Type Ferromanganese Crust from the East Philippine Sea

  12. 约翰斯顿岛附近海域铁锰结壳矿物学和地球化学研究

    Mineralogy and geochemistry of Ferromanganese Crusts from Johnston Island EEZ

  13. 中太平洋锰结壳的一种磷块岩基质

    A phosphorite ground mass of manganese crust in the central Pacific Ocean

  14. 海山铁锰结壳基岩岩石学特征及其生长关系

    Substrate lithologic features of ferromanganese crusts on the seamounts and the growth relationship

  15. 中太平洋锰结壳地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of manganese crusts in the central Pacific

  16. 富钴锰结壳分析技术评介

    Review on Analytical Techniques in Chemical Component Analysis of Rich cobalt Manganese Crust

  17. 中太平洋地区两个铁锰结壳的生长幕研究

    Two Main Formation Episodes of Ferromanganese Crusts in the Pacific Ocean Ocean Living

  18. 海山区铁锰结壳基座的起源及其成因分类方案

    Genetic classification and origin of ferro manganese crust base in the seamount areas

  19. 大洋铁锰结壳成矿环境研究进展

    Progress in Research on Metallogenic Environment of Ferromanganese Crusts

  20. 太平洋铁锰结壳的锶同位素地球化学研究

    Strontium isotope geochemistry of two Pacific ferromanganese crusts

  21. 东菲律宾海深水区新型铁锰结壳的特征和成因

    Characteristics and origin of the new-type ferromanganese crusts from deepwater areas of the East Philippine Sea

  22. 西太平洋麦哲伦海山铁锰结壳生物地层、生长年代及沉积环境

    Biostratigraphy , Growth Period and Sedimentary Environment of Ferromanganese Crusts From Magellan Seamounts in the Western Pacific

  23. 东菲律宾海深水铁锰结壳发育站位沉积物的粒度及黏土矿物学特征

    Grain-size and clay mineral characteristics of sediments under deep water ferromanganese crusts in the eastern Philippine Sea

  24. 激光熔蚀-等离子体质谱法测定锰结壳中的稀土及微量元素

    Determination of Rare Earth Elements and Trace Elements in Manganese Concretion by Laser Ablation-inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

  25. 尝试恢复东菲律宾海新型深水水成富铁锰结壳典型样品生长过程中所记录的古海洋环境。

    We attempt to recover the paleoenvironments recorded in the accretion of a typical new-type hydrogenetic ferromanganese crust from the deep water areas of the East Philippine Sea .

  26. 麦哲伦海山铁锰结壳中氟的古海洋环境意义东菲律宾海深水铁锰结壳发育站位沉积物的粒度及黏土矿物学特征

    Determination and Implication for Paleoceanography Study of Fluorine of Iron-Manganese Crusts from the Magellan Seamounts Grain-size and clay mineral characteristics of sediments under deep water ferromanganese crusts in the eastern Philippine Sea

  27. 依据多金属结核、铁锰结壳的记录,研究了太平洋海水结核结壳中锶、铅同位素的关系,结果表明,太平洋海水中锶同位素与铅同位素无明显的相关性。

    Based on Sr and Pb isotopic records of polymetallic nodules and ferromanganese crusts from the Eastern Pacific Basin and the Central Pacific Ocean , Sr and Pb isotopic relationship in water of the Pacific Ocean is discussed .

  28. 铁锰结核结壳生长过程的一种理论假设

    Growth of ferromanganese nodules and Crusts : a theoretical hypothesis

  29. 锰结核和钴结壳是重要的海洋矿产资源,赋存于1500~6000m的海底,深海采矿系统必须将从海底采集的矿石输送到海面采矿船上,因此,矿石输送技术是深海采矿的关键技术。

    The manganese nodules and cobalt crust are poly-metallic minerals that lying widely on the seabed about 1500-6000 meters deep . They have to be transported to the ship on the sea level through the deep-sea mining system of which the mineral transporting technology is most important .

  30. 占地球表面49%、约212亿平方公里的国际海底区域,蕴藏着丰富的战略金属、能源和生物资源,其中包括锰结核和钴结壳等。

    The international ocean bottom ( approximately 21.2 billion square kilometres ) , which occupies the 49 percent of the earth surface , contains rich resources such as strategic metals , energy sources and biological resources .