- 名bond order

The results show : their bond order of Al and covalent bond order of Al-O bond are alike ;
By comparing energies of the clusters , net charges of atoms , bond order functions and other parameters , conclusion has been drawn which is in good agreement with that of Kastners , and thus supports his valence-alternation pairs theory .
The structure of the B acid sites formed after hydration has been discussed by using the results of changes in bond order , bond length and partial charge on oxygen .
An Energetics Study on Syngas ( CO + H_2 ) Methanation Reaction on Ni , Cu and Ni - Cu Alloy Surfaces by Bond - order Conservation Model
Nano-particles of SiO2 form the hydrogen bond with carbonyl of PI , which changes the geometrical and electronic structure of PI , but the bond order changes a little .
Thermolytic mechanism is thus put forward through the analysis of the results of the experiment and calculation such as bond order , localized molecular orbital energy and the variations between total energy and bond distance RC-C , RC-C , RC-O.
What the bond order of Sr and the covalent bond order of Sr-O in ettringite with strontium are higher than these of ettringite is the main reason , that the strength of ettringite with strontium is higher than that of ettringite .
A high accurate equation for the theoretical prediction of  ̄( 13 ) C-NMR Chemical Shift of 10 benzenoid parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH ) has been put forward in this paper . It is calculated by CNDO method .
The environment-sensitive embedding energy ( ESE ) of rare earth ( or iron ) atom in grain , on grain boundary and on α phase-liquid interface was calculated by Recursion method . The bond order integrals ( BOI ) between Fe , RE atom and Al were also computed .
The Mulliken bond order of two groups of relative compounds of benzene and hexachloro benzene .
In this investigation the electronic structure , the bond orders and the charge distributions of the complex of Pr ( NO3 ) 3 with Benzo - 12-crown-4 have been studied by INDO calculation .
The calculation indicated that their property of extremely-pressure ( EP ) and anti-wear property ( AW ) are closely related to their geometry structure , frontier orbital energy , atomic net charge and Mulliken bond order .
A simple approximate equation has been proposed in this paper . It can be used to estimate the bond dissociation energy of the covalent bond in conjugated systems from the π - bond order computed through the HMO methed .
Net charge on each atom and wiberg population have been calculated by CNDO / 2 method . In addition , the relationship between the molecular structure and the reactive sites has been discussed .
Relation between Vibration Frequency of Organic Compound and Bond Order
A Discussion on Calculating Method of Molecular Bond Order
A kind of method of bond order population analysis
Grade . The application of Bond level in Chemistry
Molecular Orbital Theory of Bond Order and Valency
The Tree Graph Expression of Molecular Moments and the Evaluation of π Bond Grade
Maximum bond order orbitals of bridged boron compounds
The resonance energies and the bond orders of alkali metals and graphite were calculated .
Deduction of the Structure Formulas and the Bond Order of the Small Nitrogen Covalent Molecules
Bond - order conservation - Morse potential method has been some modified for alloy systems .
The molecular orbitals and their eigenvalues , charge densities , and bond orders were obtained .
On the basis of quantum chemical calculation , the bond order , length and other structure parameters are further analyzed .
The ab initio Confirmation of " the Principle of the Smallest Bond Order " & Nitro Derivatives of Benzene and Aminobenzene
Authors first give a brief description of the Mulliken population analysis method and then dwell on bond order and valency according to Mulliken 's method , by adopting elegant matrix formulation of the LCAO-MO theory .
By using the computer program of this method , we have calculated the bond order and free valence of some repeated-unit systems with various sizes ( up to 1600 atomic orbitals ), and the boundary and size effects are also revealed .
So it has a parallel relationship between the experimental impact sensitivity and the bond order of O-H bond .