
  • 网络Lithium Ores;Triphylite
  1. 2013年,RBEnergy公司在加拿大魁北克省开采了一座新的碳酸锂矿,第二年便宣告停产;

    In 2013 , RB Energy Inc. opened a new lithium carbonate plant in Quebec , only to suspend operations in 2014 .

  2. 例如,日本汽车制造商丰田旗下的丰田通商(toyotatsusho)上月宣布,已与澳大利亚orocobre达成协议,将协助该公司在阿根廷开采锂矿。

    Toyota Tsusho , an affiliate of the Japanese carmaker , for example this month announced a deal with Australia-based orocobre to help develop lithium deposits in Argentina .

  3. 目前锂行业的“三巨头”分别是智利的SociedadQuimicayMinera公司、美国的FMCLithium公司(它控制着阿根廷的HombreMuerte锂矿)和Albermarle公司(该公司最近刚刚收购了其竞争对手Rockwook公司)。

    The three largest lithium producers are the Chile-based Sociedad Quimica y Minera , American FMC Lithium , which controls the ominously-named Hombre Muerte mine in Argentina , and Albermarle , which recently acquired competitor Rockwood .

  4. 2012年,银河资源公司在西澳大利亚卡特林山的锂矿停产;

    In 2012 , Galaxy Resources suspended production at its Mt. Cattlin mine in western Australia .

  5. 尖晶石型锰酸锂正极材料的合成及电化学性能研究阿尔泰伟晶岩中的锌尖晶石和磷锰锂矿

    The Study of Electrochemistry Performance for Synthesize Spinel Li-Mn-O Materials on the Lithium-ion Battery ; THE DISCOVERY OF GAHNITE AND LITHIOPHILITE IN ALTAI PEGMATITE

  6. 例如:含有氧化锂、盐、磺等物质的矿泉水。盐湖卤水锂矿资源开发利用及其展望

    Examples : Lithia , saline , and sulphur waters . Status quo of salt lake brine lithium resources and prospect of its exploitation and application

  7. 昌乐玄武岩内刚玉巨晶(蓝宝石)中发现富碳酸盐和硫酸盐熔融包裹体及其意义阿尔泰伟晶岩中的锌尖晶石和磷锰锂矿

    Carbonates and sulfates-bearing melt inclusions in corundum megacrysts from Changle basalts of Shandong Province and their implications THE DISCOVERY OF GAHNITE AND LITHIOPHILITE IN ALTAI PEGMATITE