
  • 网络erbium laser;Er-YAG
  1. 然后,在皮肤的细纹,可以软化使用CO2或铒激光。

    Then , fine lines in the skin can be softened using a C02 or erbium laser .

  2. 目的研究铒激光在最小干预牙科技术中的应用。

    Objective To study the application of erbium laser in minimal intervention dentistry .

  3. 随着铒激光在医学中的广泛应用,更精细安全的医疗操作对激光脉宽提出了更高要求,相比原有的静态宽脉冲的Er:YAG激光,调Q是压窄脉宽的有效方法。

    With the extensive application of 2.94 μ m laser in medicine , higher requirement to the laser pulse is proposed to more security medical operation . Comparing with free-running regime , Q-switched Er : YAG laser is the effective method of obtaining narrower pulse .

  4. 两组用铒激光备洞,分别用复合体和ESPE玻璃离子充填。

    Group A , C and group B , D were restored with Compomer and ESPE glass ionomer respectively .

  5. 目的从微观的角度研究铒激光在预防性树脂充填(PRR)中的应用,选择更适合的充填材料。

    Objective To study the use of Er ∶ YAG laser in preventive resin restoration ( PRR ) by the scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) observation and choose the better restorative material .

  6. 铒激光在治疗面部皱纹中的应用

    Erbium : YAG laser resurfacing for the treatment of facial wrinkles

  7. 1.54μm铒激光辅助活体软骨重塑形初步研究

    An in vivo preliminary research on morphology of reshaping cartilage assisted by 1.54 μ m ER : YAG laser irradiation

  8. 结果在同种材料充填下,在微渗漏方面铒激光与传统的方法没有统计学差异(P>0.05)。

    Result There was no significant difference in microleakage between the cavities prepared by Erbium laser and those by air turbine using the same restorative material ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 并将其与其他基质的掺铒激光玻璃进行了比较,列举了共掺Er3+:Yb3+的磷酸盐玻璃的一些参数。

    Simultaneously , we also introduced the potential applications in the optical communications , compared the phosphate glass with other Er3 + doped glass and listed some parameters of the glass .

  10. 铒激光与超声乳化白内障吸除术的临床与后囊膜混浊病理基础的对比研究文中对手术方法及后囊混浊的发生机理进行了讨论,认为后囊混浊与手术方法有密切关系。

    The Comparative Study of Clinical Data and Pathology of Posterior Capsule Opacification between Er : YAG Laser Emulsification and Phacoemulsification for Cataract Surgery ; The methods of opera-tion and pathogenesis were discussed .

  11. 铒激光乳化与超声乳化白内障摘除术对角膜内皮影响的对比观察Er:YAG激光乳化晶体术对猪眼前房及切口部组织温度的影响

    Corneal changes in of Er : YAG laser emulsification and phacoemulsification for cataract surgery The effect of Erbium : YAG lens photolysis on the temperature of anterior chamber and around the incision of pig eye

  12. 1.54μm铒玻璃激光电光调Q技术

    Electro-optic Q-switch technique for 1.54 μ m Er-glass lasers

  13. 铒玻璃激光被动Q开关实验研究

    Experimental research of Er glass laser passive Q switch

  14. LD泵浦的Er~(3+),Yb~(3+)共掺杂磷酸盐铒玻璃激光性质

    Laser Properties of Er ~ ( 3 + ), Yb ~ ( 3 + ) Co-doped Erbium Phosphate Glass Pumped by Laser Diode

  15. 将该系统全光纤化,构建了环形掺铒光纤激光正交偏振散斑传感实验模型。最后,搭建了两套实验系统。

    Ring erbium-doped fiber laser orthogonal polarization speckle sensor model is constituted by being introduced to all-fiber system . Finally , set up two experiment systems .

  16. 脉冲铒:YAG激光治疗表皮痣

    Epidermal naevi treated with pulsed erbium : YAG laser

  17. 增益锁定掺铒光纤环形激光放大器的低噪声特性

    Low noise characterization of gain clamped erbium doped fiber ring lasing amplifiers

  18. 提出了双环单模掺铒光纤激光器激光混沌反相位相移双环对双环驱动响应同步控制系统的理论模型。

    A theoretical model of a dual-ring-dual-ring driving-response chaotic synchronous system with dual-ring single-mode erbium-doped fiber lasers is presented .

  19. 提出双环掺铒光纤激光器激光混沌键控保密通信系统及理论模型,通过调制泵浦光参数以实现混沌键控保密通信;

    Chaos shift keying secure communication system with dual-ring erbium-doped fiber laser is presented . The chaos shift keying is realized by modulating parameters of the pump light .

  20. 数值模拟了偏振耦合控制混沌和某一个环的部分偏振控制混沌,它们都能实现把双环掺铒光纤激光器激光混沌控制到稳定态和周期态上;

    Numerically simulations illustrate that chaos laser can be controlled into stable states and periodic states by parallel adjusting the direction of the two coupling polarization , or adjusting the direction of the fractional polarization of a ring in dual ring erbium doped fiber .

  21. 由于同时采用了高浓度掺铒光纤和1480nm激光二极管(LD)抽运源,极大地降低了激光器的抽运阈值,提高了斜率效率和输出功率。

    Both high concentration Erbium-doped fiber and 1480 nm pump laser diode ( LD ) were used to depress the laser threshold pump power and to increase the slope efficiency .

  22. 同时我们还介绍了国内外对共掺铒镱的磷酸盐激光玻璃以及应用的研究的进展状况。

    Recent progress of the glass and its application are also described .

  23. 掺铒高增益磷酸盐激光玻璃的研究进展

    Development of High Gain Er ~ ( 3 + ) - Doped Phosphate Laser Glass

  24. 铒钇铝石榴石激光晶体的研究

    Study on laser crystal & yttrium-erbium-aluminum garnet
