
  1. 大规模铁路运量分布研究

    A Study on Large Scale Railway Origin Destination Traffic Volume Distribution

  2. 基于动态灰色马尔柯夫链的铁路运量预测

    Railway Transportation Volume Prediction based on Dynamic Grey-Markov Process

  3. 铁路运量分配决策支持系统

    A Decision Support System for Railway Traffic Assignment

  4. 电气化铁路运量大、覆盖范围广,对国民经济的发展起着重要作用。

    Electrified railway traffic throughout a wide range , has an important role in the development of the national economy .

  5. 随着铁路运量增加,大功率机车和大型货车投入运用,轮轨磨损日益严重。

    The wheel / rail wear is worsening with the increasing of the railway transportation burden , and the applying of more and more heavy trucks and large power locomotives .

  6. 加之近年来铁路运量逐年增加,轴重加大,运行速度提升等因素使得对钢桁架桥的要求也越来越高。

    The combined railway traffic in recent years has increased year by year , axle load increase , which improves speed and other factors the higher and higher demands on the steel truss bridge .

  7. 探讨了大规模铁路运量分布研究中的几个问题:分布模型的选择、数据的预处理及在对某些品类货物预测时稀疏矩阵的赋值等。

    This paper mainly discusses the problems in large scale traffic volume distribution , which includes the selection of distribution models , the data preconditioning and the valuation of large sparse matrixes for certain kinds of goods , etc.

  8. 随着经济的发展,全国各地工业物资和人民生活必需品的运输需求猛增,造成了我国铁路运量猛增,但运能不能满足日益增长的运输需求。

    With economy developing , the transportation demand of industrial materials and daily necessities throughout the country is increasing sharply . The result of that is transport volume increases briskly , however , the transport capacity can not meet the growing demand .

  9. 按铁路运量分布预测方法进行行包专列的开行方案的预期效果分析,分析结果证明,当缺少相关的数据时,行包专列的开行方案采用重力模型法预测效果比较好。

    OD prediction method by special train trip package open line program intended effect analysis and the results show that when the absence of relevant data , special train trip package program with the opening line effect of gravity model to forecast better .

  10. 随着社会的发展,铁路运量日益增大,单线桥梁和双线桥梁已不能满足发展的需要,修建多线铁路桥梁成为日后发展的必然趋势。

    With the development of society and the increasingly augment on carry capacity of railway , single-track line bridge and double-track line bridge will no longer satisfy the demand of develop . It is a trend to build multiple-track line bridge in the future .

  11. 研究提出与厂内铁路运量及特点相适应的轨道类型,供设计与施工人员在实践中运用,也供今后规范修订时参考。

    New modes of railway tracks compatible with the volume of the railway transportation and its characteristics are accordingly put forward for the design personnel and construction workers as their reference in their practical work as well as reference for further revision of the railway track specifications .

  12. 阐述了通过采用先进的预测方法,对京沪高速铁路运量进行了预测,并对预测结果进行了分析,指出不存在京沪高速铁路高估了运量。

    This article forecasts the traffic volume of the Beijing - Shanghai High-speed Railway by means of advanced forecasting methods , and analyzes the forecasting results so as to point out such statement as " over-estimating traffic volume of the Beijing - Shanghai High-speed Railway " is not existed .

  13. 基于PLS的铁路行包运量预测模型研究

    Research on Railway Parcel Traffic Volume Forecast Model Based on PLS

  14. 该模型在对客货运量原始数据生成处理的基础上,建立了符合检验要求的残差GM(n,h)模型,以预测铁路客货运量的发展趋势;

    After the original data being generated and processed , residual GM ( n , h ) model was developed to forecast the development trend of the volume .

  15. 再通过引入相对误差序列的随机过程,建立了随机GM(n,h)模型,以综合考虑随机因素对铁路客货运量未来发展趋势所带来的影响,提高铁路客货运量预测的精度。

    Stochastic GM ( n , h ) model was established by the introduction of stochastic process of relative error series , and this stochastic model can give comprehensive analysis about the impact of stochastic factors on the development trend of the volume and a more precise forecast .

  16. 京沪高速铁路的运量和效益

    Traffic Volume and Benefits of the Beijing - Shanghai Highspeed Railway

  17. 铁路行包运量分布的统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis on the Distributing of Railway Baggage and Parcel Volume

  18. 上海浦东铁路集装箱运量预测

    Forecasting the Container Traffic Volume on Pudong Railway

  19. 本文对铁路客货运量弹性系数的计算方法进行了探讨。

    This paper makes an approach to the calculation method of the fluctuation coefficiency of railway output .

  20. 目前,由于我国铁路货物运量的快速增长,铁路集装箱运输也随之发展起来。

    At present , with the rapid growth of rail freight traffic , the development of container transportation is also extremely fast .

  21. 铁路客货运量预测能为政策制定及运输发展规划的编制提供科学依据。

    The railway passengers and goods transportation volume forecast can offer scientific basis for the establishment of policy and the making of transportation development plan .

  22. 随着铁路客货运量的增大和列车速度的提高,轮轨滚动接触疲劳破坏现象已成为制约我国铁路技术发展的突出问题,尤其是高速重载线路,情况十分严重。

    With the increase of railway freight and train speed , rolling contact fatigue has become one of the most prominent problems which constrain railway technology development , especially in the high speed heavy lines .

  23. 针对现有铁路客货运量预测方法的不足和铁路客货运量的随机波动性,基于灰色预测理论,建立了铁路客货运量预测的随机灰色系统模型。

    Considering the imperfections of existing forecasting methods of passenger and freight railway volume and the stochastic fluctuation of the volume , based on the theory of gray system , the stochastic grey system model for forecasting the passenger and freight volume was established .

  24. 但是,当前铁路集装箱运量增长缓慢,铁路集装箱运量在全国铁路总货运量比重很小,远低于世界铁路发展水平,因此制定合适的营销策略对于促进铁路集装箱运输的发展具有重要意义。

    But the amount of the current railroad container transportation grows slowly , and the amount of the railway container transportation is very small in the total volume of the transported goods proportion in the national railway , far is lower than the worldly railway level of development .

  25. 对铁路行包OD运量的预测提出一种基于重力模型的改进方法。

    The paper puts forward an improved method on the basis of gravity model to forecast the OD freight volume of railway luggage and parcel transportation .

  26. 铁路客运专线运量、运价和收入关系分析

    Analysis on the Relationship among Passenger Volume , Transport Price and Income for Railway Passenger-Dedicated Lines

  27. 而发展高速重载运输是提高铁路运能和运量的主要手段。

    Developing the high speed and heavy haul railway is the main means to realize it .

  28. 米轨铁路的运能运量及运输安全研究

    Research on the Transportation Capacity and Traffic Volume and the Transportation Safety System of Meter-gauge Railway

  29. 铁路客车具有运量大、成本低和运维简单等优点,在铁路客运上具有不可替代的地位。

    Because the railway passenger car has the advantages of large capacity , low cost and simple maintenance , it has an irreplaceable position .

  30. 旅客列车票额分配是在铁路运能和运量不相匹配情况下,提高客流组织质量的重要手段。

    Seats allotment of passenger trains is an important measure of passenger flows organization on the condition that transportation capacity is not matching to transportation quantity of passenger trains .