
  • Dendrobium candidum;Dendrobium officinale;Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo
  1. 铁皮石斛GAP种植基地的环境质量评价

    Estimate of Environmental Condition on GAP Plant Base of Dendrobium officinale

  2. 铁皮石斛的栽培研究

    Studies on the planting of Dendrobium officinale

  3. 铁皮石斛RNA提取及RT-PCR检测

    RNA Extraction and RT-PCR detection of Dendrobium candidum

  4. 铁皮石斛野生居群遗传多样性的RAPD分析与鉴别

    Genetic diversity and molecular authentication of wild populations of Dendrobium officinale by RAPD

  5. 为了更好的完善铁皮石斛种植方法,提高整体种植水平,GAP建设就显得尤为重要。

    To perfect the planting way and to enhance the overall planting level better , the construction of GAP seems especially important .

  6. 石斛属RAPD分析及鉴定铁皮石斛的特异性引物设计

    Cluster Analysis of Dendrobium by RAPD and Design of Specific Primer for Dendrobium candidum

  7. 铁皮石斛野生居群研究(Ⅳ):RAPD反应体系的构建与优化

    Studies of Wild Populations of Dendrobium officinale (ⅳ): Establishment and Optimization of RAPD Reaction System

  8. 铁皮石斛不同生长阶段遗传稳定性的RAPD分析

    Analysis on Genetic Stability for different development stages of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo by RAPD

  9. 铁皮石斛野生居群的ISSR分子指纹标记

    ISSR Molecular Fingerprinting marker of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo Populations

  10. 应用抑制性差减杂交技术构建铁皮石斛差减cDNA文库的探讨

    Construction of Subtractive cDNA Library from the Leaves of Dendrobium candidum Wall , ex Lindl . by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Technology

  11. 6-BA在促进铁皮石斛侧芽萌发中的应用

    The Application of 6-BA in the Lateral Bud Inducting in D. candidum

  12. 目的采用RAPD分子标记技术,对铁皮石斛8个野生居群的遗传多样性、亲缘关系以及分子鉴别等进行研究。

    Aim Genetic diversity , relationship and molecular authentication of total 8 wild populations of Dendrobium officinale were investigated using RAPD markers .

  13. RAPD可以作为铁皮石斛野生居群遗传多态性、居群亲缘关系和分子鉴别研究的有效手段;

    RAPD markers were an informative and useful tool for the genetic diversity , evaluation and authentication of wild populations of Dendrobium officinale .

  14. 结论:铁皮石斛对肾上腺素性高血糖小鼠及STZDM大鼠有明显的降血糖作用。

    Conclusion : DC has obvious anti - hyperglycemic effects in adrenaline - induced hyperglycemic mice and STZ - DM rats .

  15. 目的有效地提取铁皮石斛高质量的RNA,为研究环境胁迫对铁皮石斛生长与代谢影响的分子表达机制奠定基础。

    Objective The high quality RNA from the plantlet of Dendrobium candidum was isolated efficiently . It laid a foundation to study the mechanism of molecular expression on its growth and metabolism under environmental stress .

  16. 因此,铁皮石斛组培苗在人工光型密闭式植物工厂内培育的适宜光照强度为60 ̄70μmol/(m2·s)。

    Therefore , the suitable lighting intensity for D. officinale in vitro is 60 ~ 70 μ mol / ( m2 · s ) in the closed plant factory under artificial lighting .

  17. 方法:通过筛选引物并设定影响铁皮石斛ISSR反应的诸因子的不同浓度,检测IS-SR不同反应体系的扩增效果;

    Method : The effects of ISSR-PCRs was examined by selecting primers and designing different concentrations of the factors in the ISSR-PCRs , the reliable ISSR-PCR systems for D.

  18. 引物S9、S10均可以独立区分所有被测的8个居群的铁皮石斛。对区分所有建筑物之相邻关系的探讨

    Primer S9 and S10 could distinguish all the 8 populations of D. officinale respectively . Discussion to the Neighboring Relation in one Building

  19. 在琼脂培养基上,真菌AR-18或AR-15对铁皮石斛和金钗石斛的鲜重和干重的增加均没有显著性影响(P>0.05)。

    In agar medium , effects of AR-18 or AR-15 on fresh weight and dry weight of D. candidum and D. nobile were not significant ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 取继代培养30d的铁皮石斛类原球茎作接种材料,以N6为基本培养基,加入植物激素,并以真菌提取物作诱导子,对类原球茎和愈伤组织进行诱导培养。

    Methods Protocorm-like bodies and callus of DCWL subcultured for30 days was used as the explants , N6 was used as the basic culture with phytohormone added , and fungal extracts as the elicitor .

  21. 目的:研究MF24真菌诱导子对铁皮石斛原球茎多糖含量的影响。

    The effects of MF24 fungal elicitor on the polysaccharide content of Dendrobium candidum protocorms were studied in this work .

  22. 固体培养基上培养的铁皮石斛PLBs生长曲线大致呈S形,延迟期为二十天,对数增长期为三十天,培养五十天后进入稳定期。

    The growth curve of PLBs cultivate on solid culture medium was " S " type . There is an initial lag phase of twenty days at the beginning of the culture , followed by a rapid growth period of thirty days and The growth rate declined after fifty days .

  23. 铁皮石斛试管培养物多糖含量测定

    Determination of Polysaccharides of Dendrobium candidum in Test - tube Culture

  24. 铁皮石斛的生物学特性与开花授粉技术研究

    Study on Biological Characteristics and Flowering Pollination Technology of Dendrobium candidum

  25. 结论:8种铁皮石斛在形态学上有差异;

    Conclusion : There are many differences among 8 varieties of D.

  26. 铁皮石斛原胚体液体悬浮培养条件

    Study on the condition of pro-embryoids suspension culture of Dendrobium candidum

  27. 铁皮石斛叶片光合作用的碳代谢途径

    The photosynthesis pathway in leaves of Dendrobium officinale carbon nanotubes

  28. 铁皮石斛降血糖作用及其机制的研究

    Studies on anti-hyperglycemic effect and its mechanism of Dendrobium candidum

  29. 结论不同栽培类型的铁皮石斛存在品质差异;

    ConclusionThe cultivated type of Dendrobium candidum is significantly different in quality .

  30. 铁皮石斛居群差异的研究(Ⅰ)&植物体形态结构的差异

    Studies on population difference of Dendrobium officinale ⅰ Differences in morphological structure