
tiě tǎ
  • iron tower;transmission tower;pylon;iron pagoda
铁塔 [tiě tǎ]
  • (1) [iron tower;iron pagoda]∶用钢铁材料建成的高塔;铁色釉砖砌成的塔

  • (2) [pylon;transmission tower]∶用来架设高压输电线的塔状铁架子

铁塔[tiě tǎ]
  1. 输电铁塔独立基础优化设计CAD系统

    Research and Developing of Optimization Design CAD System of Detached Foundation of Transmitting Electricity Iron Tower

  2. 介绍了用VFP语言开发铁塔生产管理系统的实现方法,并对其系统结构、流程进行了详细阐述。

    The software realization method of iron tower manufacturing management system with VFP is introduced , dealing with its structure and flow chart .

  3. 埃菲尔铁塔是一个著名地标。

    The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark .

  4. 埃菲尔铁塔有许多“机器时代”留下的细节。

    The Eiffel Tower has many machine age details .

  5. 这个国家有许多名胜,如塞纳河和埃菲尔铁塔。

    The country is home to many famous places of interest , like the River Seine as well as the Eiffel Tower .

  6. 在巴黎的最后一晚,我们欣赏了埃菲尔铁塔的夜景后,我丈夫打电话回家。

    On our last night in Paris , after we enjoyed the night view of the Eiffel Tower , my husband called home .

  7. 例句今日小常识著名的埃菲尔铁塔高324米,于1889年落成,每年接待近700万游客。

    It was completed in 1889 and is visited by seven million people every year .

  8. 输电铁塔用插接式钢管杆(塔)CAD

    Computer Aided Design of Plug-in Steel Pole of Electricity Transmission Tower

  9. 铁塔CAD中的优化方法研究

    The Study of the Optimization Design Used in the Tower CAD System

  10. 铁塔CAD的集成优化技术

    The Implementation Technologies of Integration and Optimization for the Power-tower CAD System

  11. 三维CAD放样技术在铁塔制造企业中的应用

    Application of 3D Laying-out Technology in Iron-Tower manufactory

  12. 《埃菲尔夫人:埃菲尔铁塔的爱情故事》(MadameEiffel:TheLoveStoryoftheEiffelTower)

    Madame Eiffel : The Love Story of the Eiffel Tower

  13. 输电铁塔ANSYS建模及有限元分析

    Transmission tower ANSYS modeling and finite element analysis

  14. 《特里基·维克:一个卖埃菲尔铁塔的人的真实故事》(TrickyVic:TheImpossiblyTrueStoryoftheManWhoSoldtheEiffelTower)

    Tricky Vic : The Impossibly True Story of the Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower

  15. 他提到一个令人意外的榜样&埃菲尔铁塔(EiffelTower)。

    He names a surprising role model : the Eiffel Tower .

  16. 基于GPRS的电力铁塔防盗监测系统

    Power Steel Tower Anti-theft Monitoring System Based on GPRS

  17. JeanPaul住在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔附近的一栋公寓里。

    Jean Paul lives in Paris . In a flat near the Eiffel Tower .

  18. JS2铁塔作线路分支塔的探讨

    Discussion on JS_2 anchor tower used as branching tower

  19. 高压输电铁塔上架设ADSS光缆位置的研究

    Study of the position of locating all-dielectric self-supporting fiber-optic cable on high-voltage power tower

  20. 这款笔有望在今年晚些时候上市,公司已经给艺术家们赠送了一些样品让他们创作,作品从3D动物到埃菲尔铁塔应有尽有。

    It is hoped it will go on sale later this year , and the firm has already given prototypes to artists to create everything from 3D animals to reconstructions of the Eiffel tower .

  21. 利用气象铁塔的风、温梯度资料,对陆面上近地层湍流拖曳系数CD和总体输送系数CH(或CE)的大小和日变化规律进行研究。

    The magnitude and diurnal variation of the turbulent drag coefficient CD and bulk transport coefficient of heat ( or moisture ) flux , CH ( or CE ) .

  22. IlGiornale网站发出了疑问:埃菲尔铁塔真的值那么多钱吗?

    Il giornale website asked : Is the Eiffel Tower really worth that much ?

  23. 500kV送电线路铁塔软土基础设计

    The Foundation Design for Tower of 500 kV Transmission Line in Soft Soil

  24. 220kV线路铁塔挂线板断裂原因分析

    Reason Analysis on Breaking of Line Rack for Tower in 220 kV Line

  25. 500kV输电线路带电整体移自立式铁塔可行性方案的探讨

    The Feasibility Discussions on Live-line Integral Moving Line Isolated Tower of 500 kV Transmission Line

  26. 采用离岸800m高100m的气象铁塔观测所得的资料,利用粗糙度、阻力系数及幂指数公式,计算了辽东湾东海岸地区的粗糙度、阻力系数及风指数。

    The surface roughness , drag coefficient and wind index are calculated with the data obtained from tower-based sensors located about 800 m from the coast .

  27. 非接触式光电检测是通过CCD采集待检测的铁塔构件的图像,然后通过控制系统与其标准图纸进行比较来判断构件各尺寸是否合格。

    The non-contact photoelectric detection tells whether or not sizes of components are standard through collecting pictures with CCD of tower components to be detected and then comparing such pictures with standard drawings by use of the controlling system .

  28. 无论是好莱坞一线明星,还是歌手,甚至连超级巨星碧昂斯JayZ夫妇、以及传奇哥和克莉茜?腾根都无法错过在巴黎地标埃菲尔铁塔前拍照的机会。

    From Hollywood 's A-list to music royalty , even superstars like Beyonce and Jay Z and John Legend and Chrissy Teigen can 't resist a photo op in front of the Parisian landmark .

  29. 浅谈500kV港茂输电铁塔等截面斜柱基础的施工

    Primary Discussion about Construction of Foundation for Equal-sectional Inclined Column Tower for 500 kV Gang & Mao Transmission Line

  30. 欧盟6月建议立法禁止在社交网站上传包含各类地标建筑的照片,如巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔(EiffelTower)和罗马的特莱维喷泉(TreviFountain)。

    The European Union in June proposed a law to criminalise social media posts containing pictures of landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or Rome 's Trevi Fountain .