
qián dài
  • purse;bag;wallet;money bag
钱袋 [qián dài]
  • [money bag;bag] 用来装钱的袋

钱袋[qián dài]
  1. 不偷钱袋是因为钱袋不值得偷;

    He does n 't steal the wallet because it is n 't worth stealing .

  2. 他叹口气,掏出柔嘉送的钱袋来,给老头子两张钞票。

    With a sigh he took out the wallet Jou-chia had given him and gave the old man two bills .

  3. 她把她的钱袋递给了我。

    She handed her money pouch to me .

  4. 这四个男孩整个周末都在做零钱袋。

    The four boys spent their whole weekend making the change bags .

  5. 骗子趁机捡起钱袋跑掉了。

    The swindler took this opportunity to pick up the bag of money and run away .

  6. 季子将钱袋放在桅杆下,急忙抓住桅杆往上爬。

    Ji Zi put his bag of money under the mast , hurriedly grasped the mast and began to climb .

  7. “黑色星期五”的大促销会诱使消费者松开一直捂得紧紧的钱袋。

    A strong Black Friday would induce consumers to relax the spending restraint they have exercised for a long time .

  8. 一天,一个狡猾的骗子,企图骗取季子的钱袋,就骗他说:“我是一个得了真传的道士,只要你跟着我云游,我就一定把道学传授给你。”

    One day , a sly swindler tried to get Ji Zi 's bag of money . He said deceitfully : " I am a Taoist priest with the true doctrine1 of Taoism . If you 'll follow me , I 'll certainly teach Taoism to you . "

  9. 由于即将上市,Facebook目标远大,钱袋鼓鼓,因此它的收购之旅可能不会就此罢手。

    With lofty goals and gobs of cash in the wings thanks to its impending initial public offering , Facebook may not be done shopping .

  10. Roy行动很快,开车直向这两个贼冲去,那个拿着钱袋的贼吓得丢了钱袋。

    Roy acted quickly and drove the Bus straight at the thieves . The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the Bag .

  11. 谁将最终赢得lme的“芳心”,这个问题也许不难回答,那就要看谁的钱袋更鼓了。

    In the end , who gets to walk the LME down the aisle may be a simple question of how deep his pockets are .

  12. 围栏已经被几天捕获的一千条金枪鱼挤得满满当当,与“钱袋”围网排成直线,Galaz邀请我下水。

    As the pen , already brimming with a thousand bluefin caught in the days before , was aligned with the purse-seine net , Galaz invited me into the water .

  13. 昨天晚上你从我们那儿偷走的钱袋。

    The money bag that you stole from us last night .

  14. 我能把明天的金币放进今天的钱袋里吗?

    Can I place tomorrow 's gold in today 's purse ?

  15. 骗子说罢,拿出钱袋来。

    After saying so , the thief took out the money .

  16. 这些新增加的税将使我们的钱袋大伤元气。

    These new tax increases will be hard on our pocket .

  17. 其中一个还拿着一个装满钱的钱袋。

    One of them was carrying a Bag full of money .

  18. 我签署过一纸谎言,申领过那个倒霉的钱袋。

    I signed a lie , and claimed the miserable sack .

  19. 她什么也偷,甚至连碰都没过他的钱袋。

    She didn 't steal nothing or touch his poke .

  20. 如果你不去拿那些钱袋,手帕和手表。

    If you don 't take pocket handkerchiefs and watches , nolly .

  21. 天秤座:注意自己的健康、心脏和钱袋。

    Take care of your health , your heart and your pocketbook .

  22. 为什么她要把钱袋放在桌子上呢?

    Why did she put the moneybags on the table ?

  23. 她正从钱袋里掏出一卷钞票。

    She was extracting a crisp roll from her purse .

  24. 我见有人拿着装满的钱袋从那边跑了。

    I saw somebody carrying a bag full of money running that way .

  25. 朋友之间,不应扎紧钱袋。

    Friends tie their purses with a cobweb thread .

  26. 谁会在妈妈的钱袋里舒适地生活呢?

    Who is living comfortably in Mom 's pouch ?

  27. 他们把两个钱袋一起丢进了水缸里,这一次他们得到了四个钱袋。

    They dropped both purses into the pot , and then had four .

  28. 昨天晚上我做梦看见钱袋。

    For I did dream of money bags tonight .

  29. 宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。采集者退散。

    Better an empty purse than an empty head .

  30. 情人钱袋蛛丝系。

    Lover 's purse is tied with cobweb .