- 网络Khin Nyunt

Both Kyaw Thein and San Pwint are reported to have recommended that Khin Nyunt should be a key negotiator with ethnic leaders .
Some Burmese blogs have accused Than Nyein of meeting with and being influenced by the ousted former intelligence chief , Gen Khin Nyunt , who is his brother-in-law .
If he does , he will follow the path that Gen Khin Nyunt .
Sources have said that the junta 's key negotiators and the MAS are not savvy on ethnic issues & a significant difference from Khin Nyunt 's MI .
Khin Nyunt is reportedly allowed to make occasional trips outside his home and was recently asked for advice by junta chief Snr-Gen Than Shwe in dealing with the ceasefire armed ethnic groups .
All the generals rushed into the meeting , and they all were taken into one room while Snr-Gen Than Shwe , Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aung , Gen Tin Oo and Gen Khin Nyunt were in another room .