
  • 网络steel market
  1. 本文运用最新的计量分析方法,如协整理论、向量自相关(VAR)模型,对我国钢材市场需求的总量与结构进行了预测。

    This thesis uses new econometric analytical tools , such as the cointegration theory and the vectorial autoregression ( VAR ) model , to forecast the amount and structure of the steel market demand .

  2. TAGAL公司中国钢材市场竞争策略研究

    The Strategy Research of TAGAL in Chinese Automotive Steel Market

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,钢材市场的竞争日趋激烈,产品要打入国际市场,就必须按国际标准组织生产,因此实现自动化、标准化产品标识生产工艺过程,具有重要意义。

    With China joining in the WTO , competition in steel industry is becoming more and more severe , therefore , automation and standardization of product marking in accordance with international standards has vital significance for entering the international market .

  4. 然后剖析了重庆热轧钢材市场的国际国内宏观环境和微观环境,研究了重庆热轧钢材市场的市场结构:接着深入分析了W集团及其热轧产品;

    Next , I analyze deeply the macroscopic and microscopic environment of Chongqing hot rolled steel sheet market . On the basis of above , I research and find the market structure of Chongqing hot rolled steel sheet market .

  5. 在海口秀英钢材市场有15000平方米储运仓库。

    It has a warehouse of15000m in Haikou Xiuying steels market .

  6. 2000年我国钢材市场前景预测

    Prediction on Rolled Steel Product Market Demand of China in 2000

  7. 中国钢材市场需求研究

    A Research on the Demand of China 's Steel Market

  8. 热铁和钢材市场,它在历史上是罕见的。

    Hot iron and steel market , it is rare in history .

  9. 如何在钢材市场起伏不定的情况下保持利润?

    How to keep the margin in uncertain steel market ?

  10. 关于船用材料需求及发展趋势的探讨造船业是一个不可忽视的重要钢材市场

    On the demand and future development of ship steel material

  11. 钢材市场有好转的趋势。

    The steel market is showing a tendency to improve .

  12. 北京市钢材市场及钢材物流分析

    The Steel Market of Beijing and Steel Logistics Analysis

  13. 中国的钢材市场与企业的市场定位

    Marketing position of steel products and enterprises in China

  14. 钢材市场将会继续保持活跃。

    The steel market will continue to be active .

  15. 韩国钢材市场概况

    The Survey of the Steel Market in South Korea

  16. 守信行为与声誉机制:以泰山钢材市场信用共同体为例

    Analysis on the Reputation Mechanism of Credit Union : Case in Taishan Steel Market

  17. 我既是看门人、计、练,也是维修工和跑腿的。钢材市场内一位工人把双腿放入水桶内清洗。

    A worker puts both legs into the cask to wash in the steel market .

  18. 因此国际钢材市场行情的波动对我国的经济和政治影响巨大。

    The international steel market fluctuations in prices will influence our national economic and political greatly .

  19. 然而同年国际钢材市场价格继续下跌,回升乏力。

    But in the same year the price of steel at the international market has kept lowering .

  20. 储运部和钢材市场均实行24小时值班制度,可随时为用户提供服务。

    Storage and Transportation Department and the steel market have driven a24-hour duty system are available to users .

  21. 而长期的钢材市场行情研究对制定钢材产业政策更具指导意义。

    And long-term steel markets study play an important role on establishing the development policy of steel industry .

  22. 达涅利能够满足这一高技术钢材市场的要求,可提供极具竞争力的解决方案。

    Danieli & C.Officine Meccaniche , is able to offer competitive solutions also for this high technical market .

  23. 自2000年以来,中国钢材市场发展和演变确实发生了许多重大的,历史性的变化。

    Since 2000 , there are many great and historical changes took place in Chinese domestic steel market indeed .

  24. 本文分析了钢材市场处于增长阶段,铁矿资源的形势及供给策略。

    The article analyzes the steels marketplace being in the increase stage , iron mine resource circumstances and tactics supplying .

  25. 为进一步开发国际钢材市场,研制开发了符合加拿大可焊性高强度钢筋标准要求的高强度钢筋。

    For exploiting international rolled steel market farther , the weldable high strength reinforced bar were developed according to Canada standard .

  26. 中国经济几年来稳定快速的发展,使中国钢材市场的需求稳定增长。

    In these years Chinese economy develops quickly and steadily , which makes the requirement of Chinese steel market increase steadily .

  27. 对行业结构的深入分析可知重庆钢铁行业竞争十分激烈,重庆热轧钢材市场属于典型的寡头垄断市场。

    We know It is representative oligopoly structure in Chongqing hot rolled steel sheet market after our analyzing the market structure .

  28. 从系统论方法、均衡价格论方法和表现形式三方面分析了钢材市场价格的波动机理,并建立起四种价格机理模型。

    The fluctuation mechanism of steel market is analyzed in following three aspects : the systematology , equilibrium price theory and manifestation .

  29. 今后十年中国造船业的国际环境和地位关于船用材料需求及发展趋势的探讨造船业是一个不可忽视的重要钢材市场

    International Environment and Position ot China 's Shipping Industry in the Next Decade On the demand and future development of ship steel material

  30. 因此,在市场经济条件下,必须重视对钢材市场需求规律的研究。

    Therefore , under the condition of market economy , we must pay attention to the research on demand law of steel market .