- nail household;tartar

[tartar] 难对付的人,特指故意违反或对抗有关政策、法规的人或家庭
Spotify has had some success - notable holdouts such as Led Zeppelin , Pink Floyd and Metallica have all signed up recently , leaving The Beatles as the main exception .
Chongqing Holdout is the most powerful proof .
The part one briefly introduces the case of a holdout in Chongqing city .
He pays expenses to the guys who forcibly live there , to evacuate it .
Recently , 4 operation person become " nail door " put up a desperate struggle .
Ann : How kind they are ! America is far from China on dealing with the nail households .
I 'm not stubborn or unruly , I 'm just trying to protect my personal rights as a citizen .
' In one word , Avatar is a movie celebrating the nail house owners'successful efforts to oppose the demolition crews .
The picture of the " nail house " from Chongqing has been widely spread via BBS and the mainstream media .
In China , people who refuse to allow their homes to be demolished by developers are called " nail households " .
The phrase has stuck , with Ms Wu 's house now referred to as just the nail house in the local media .
He spent three months finishing his work by 100000 nails and the work is composed of a male image and a female one .
Many of the buildings involved in such cases are labeled " illegal ", and those who refuse to relocate are called " nail households " .
The term " nail house " refers to people that refuse to move away from demolition zones , usually because of a disagreement about compensation .
A senior computer engineer in Shanghai is working part time as an " anti-demolition nail " in Beijing , earning a token salary he plans to give away .
" Nail houses " are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance , so called because they stick out when all around them have been demolished .
In exchange , the banks would ask the holdouts to ask Judge Griesa to suspend his ruling barring payment of restructured bondholders , a person familiar with the idea said .
Finally , I use Changsha Stubborn Nails as a case study to analyze the role of reciprocal fairness idea , so as to provide practice support to the theory study .
This thesis based on the reorganizing and the reflecting about the domestic and abroad relevant research , combing with empirical investigation of the event processes , proposing " The nail household at Villages demolition Field " as the topic of research .
In recent years , a powerful network of influential public opinion from events such as the Sun Zhigang Event , Chongqing Nail Incident Households , Carrefour Incident and the South China Events , and other news events have been demonstrated unprecedented .
The event of Nail households and a series of conflicts about infringing private property right make us pay more attention to the problem of property right protection , so it is urgent and meaningful to develop the theory of property right protection .
The revolt of nails is not just a protest performance , but also show the performance of internal self adaptation and identity , deducing the various types coordination of the relationships , also the survival strategy of a subject under the constraints of the structure .