
  • 网络acupuncture manipulation
  1. 对针刺手法参数的研究现状分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discuss about Studying on acupuncture manipulation parameter

  2. 针刺手法是针灸针从进针之后到出针之前对腧穴的操作方法。

    Acupuncture manipulation is the method that is acupuncture needles operate acupoints from needle insertion to needle extraction .

  3. 量化针刺手法对急性闭角型青光眼F值的影响

    Effect of quantitative acupuncture manipulation on F value in the patient of acute angle-closure glaucoma

  4. 针刺手法实时信号处理及AR参数模型的模式识别研究

    Real-time Signal Procession of Acupuncture Manipulation and Identification Research on AR Parameter Model

  5. 目的:探讨慢性胃溃疡时胃粘膜组织和血浆前列腺素E2的变化及不同针刺手法的调节效应。方法:①采用改良醋酸浸渍法造成大鼠慢性胃溃疡模型;

    Objective : To study the change of PGE 2 and the effects of the different acupuncture methods on chronic gastric ulcer .

  6. 目的:探讨量化针刺手法对急性闭角型青光眼的临床前期眼房水流量(F值)的影响(以下简称F值)。

    Objective To explore the effect of quantitative acupuncture manipulation on aqueous outflow ( F value ) in the patient of acute angle closure glaucoma at " clinical prodromal stage " .

  7. 针刺手法电针仪的创新原理及其特点

    The Innovative Principle and Characteristic of the Acupuncture Maneuver Electro-Acupuncture Stimulator

  8. 近十年针刺手法实验研究的进展分析

    Advances in experimental studies on acupuncture manipulation of the past decade

  9. 中医针刺手法教学测试仪的研制

    Development of Teaching Test Apparatus for Acupuncture Manipulations in TCM

  10. 针刺手法对感受器发放的影响

    The effect of acupuncture manipulation to the discharges of needling sensation receptors

  11. 从计量学角度探讨杨继洲针刺手法

    Discussion on the Acupuncture Technique of YANG Ji-zhou from the Metrology Angle

  12. 不同针刺手法调节体温效应机制研究概况

    Mechanisms about the effect of different acupuncture manipulation methods on body temperature

  13. 针刺手法对脑血管性痴呆患者智力的影响

    Effect on Acupuncture Manipulation for The Intelligence of Cerebral Vascular Dementia Patient

  14. 针刺手法参数实时采集及教学演示系统的研究

    Research on real-time collection of acupuncture manipulation parameter and teaching demonstration system

  15. 针刺手法的运用是针灸临床治疗的一个关键环节。

    The use of acupuncture skill is a key of acupuncture-moxibustion clinical treatment .

  16. 针刺手法刺激量定量化研究进展

    Advances in Studies on Quantification of Acupuncture Manipulation Stimuli

  17. 中医针刺手法用传感针的研制

    Research of Detecting Acupuncture Needle for Acupuncture Manipulation

  18. 最后探讨了管氏针刺手法的学术特点。

    Guan 's academic experience and characteristic of manipulation of acupuncture has been discussed .

  19. 针刺手法参数测试仪评判针刺提插法的研究

    Research on Scoring System of acupuncture manipulation parameter testing machine in judging lifting-inserting method

  20. 针刺手法与针体受力参数的对比研究

    The contrast research between acupuncture manipulations and the parameters of force acting on needle

  21. 基于针刺手法仪参数图形探讨捻转补泻法子母补泻法针刺治疗瘀血阻络型冠心病心电图即刻效应的观察

    Study on twirling reinforcing-reducing manipulation based on the parameter figure of the acupuncture manipulation apparatus

  22. 数字化虚拟人力反馈角度的针刺手法研究思路

    Study on Acupunctural Manipulation Technique Based on the Digitized Virtual Human Body of Force Feedback

  23. 浅论针刺手法与气

    The discussion of acupuncture manipulation and Qi

  24. 数字化虚拟人体为针刺手法研究提供新的平台

    Digitized Virtual Human Body Provides a New Platform for the Study of Acupuncture Manipulation Technique

  25. 不同针刺手法对健康人经穴氧分压的影响

    Effects of Different Acupuncture Manipulation Methods on Partial Pressure of Oxygen at Acupoints in Healthy Subjects

  26. 论《内经》经络的诊断及针刺手法

    The discussion on the diagnostic function of the meridian and the method of acupuncture in Neijing

  27. 不同针刺手法对脾虚模型兔血糖、血脂、血钙含量的影响

    Effect of Different Acupuncture Manipulations on Blood Levels of Sugar , Lipid and Calium of Model Rabbits

  28. 随着人们充分认识到针灸疗效的重要性,与针灸疗效密切相关的针刺手法参数的研究也越来越受到重视。

    The study on acupuncture manipulation parameter has been increasingly valued as people understand the importance of acupuncture curative effect sufficiently .

  29. 书中针刺手法应用广泛,其中以单式手法为主,复式手法多为单式手法揉合而来的。

    The book is widely used methods of acupuncture , which consisted largely of single-type , multi-compound approach combining single-style tactics come .

  30. 第二,通过多学科交叉实现实时采集针刺手法参数,并对针剌手法参数进行分析与处理。

    Secondly , acquire the acupuncture manipulation parameter through the crossing of multiply subject , then analyze and deal with the parameters .