
  • 网络Money World;Don t Don
  1. 许多制片人迅速采取行动,将这位丑闻缠身的演员从他们的项目中剔除,比如网飞公司(Netflix)就将他从《纸牌屋》中除名,《金钱世界》里雷利·史考特用克里斯托弗·普卢默代替了他的所有镜头。

    Many producers worked swiftly to remove the disgraced actor from their projects , namely Netflix who fired him from House of Cards and Ridley Scott who replaced his scenes with Christopher Plummer in All the Money in the World .

  2. 巴尔扎克笔下的金钱世界探析

    On the World of Money in Balzac 's Novels

  3. 普卢默在雷德利·斯科特的《金钱世界》中的角色背后的故事和电影本身一样出名。

    The story behind Plummer 's casting in Ridley Scott 's " All the Money in the World " is as famous as the film itself .

  4. 在金钱世界里,没有一个人对将来会有丝毫的概念。

    Inthe world of money , which is a world shaped by human behavior , nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future .

  5. 很多人认为,金钱让世界围着你转。

    Many people believe that money makes the world go around .

  6. 金钱推动世界运转。

    Money makes the world go round .

  7. 金钱统治世界。

    Money governs the world .

  8. 金钱支配世界。

    Money rules the world .

  9. 京晶:嗯。在一个关注美貌和金钱的世界里,这是另一件可以考量的事情。

    Hmm. In a world concerned with beauty and money , it 's one more thing to consider .

  10. 其他的研究则发现,金钱让世界运转,但不是幸福的要素。

    Money makes the world go round , but it is not the key to happiness , according to other studies .

  11. 电影让我们看到这块土地上人们心灵的空虚,身不由己陷溺于疯狂追逐金钱的世界里。

    The new China shows us a land where the heart is empty in the face of a world crazed for money .

  12. 人们会说金钱让世界运转,金钱万能或像甲壳虫演唱的那样金钱买不到爱情。

    People say that Money makes the world go round , Money talks or as the Beatles sang Money cant buy me love .

  13. 如果金钱使世界运转起来,难道高税收不会减慢星球的旋转,并导致更大的环境危害吗?

    If money makes the world go around , wouldn 't higher taxes on the wealthy slow the rotation of the planet and cause even greater environmental chaos ?

  14. 畱意那些美女的生活,让我懂得只有金钱才能驾驭世界!

    Look into some beauties'lives , I get that nothing can conquer the world but money !

  15. 他把大量的时间和金钱花在世界各地的旅游上,因为他酷爱冒险。

    He has spent a large amount of time and money travelling around the world , as he enjoys adventures .

  16. 法国别无选择,只能用放着那么多别的慰藉不要、偏去追逐金钱的英语世界来衬托和突显自己。

    France has little choice but to define itself against the English-speaking world , rushing after money when other consolations abound .

  17. 没有了金钱的忧虑,世界便是你嘴边的珍馐。

    Without money worries , the world would be your oyster .

  18. 他痛恨那个金钱和粗鄙的世界。

    He hated that world of money and vulgarity .

  19. 对金钱的欲望是世界上许多暴力的根源。

    The desire for money is at the bottom of much of the world 's violence .

  20. 快乐比金钱容易找到,世界上处处都有快乐,干吗不去找?

    Happiness than money , easy to find the world everywhere there are happy , why not go ?

  21. 在《名利场》中,萨克雷诠释了在一个男权思想和以金钱为中心的世界中女性的地位与形象,抨击了一个虚伪腐败的社会。

    In Vanity Fair Thackeray examines the position and the women images in a male-oriented and money-centered world and attacks a hypocritical and corrupted society .

  22. 想象一下:大反派塞弗躲在暗处,黑了很多国家和大公司的卫星,不得到足够令她满意的权力和金钱就要让世界堕入黑暗。

    Imagine it : Cipher has holed up somewhere secret and broken into the mainframe of various nations " and corporations " satellites . Unless she gets as much power and money as she desires , she 'll make the world go dark .

  23. 一种新技术并非仅仅是在旧技术上追加什么东西,而是改革一切,所以新技术往往会挑战旧技术,在时间,注意力,金钱,威望和世界观上向旧技术发起攻击。

    A new technology is not just appending something to the old technology , but reforming everything . Therefore , new technologies often launch attacks on older technology on the aspects of time 、 attention 、 money 、 prestige and " world view " .

  24. 首先,我认为人们不会不在乎金钱这种礼物,因为金钱在这个世界上是极有吸引力的东西。

    First , I don 't think people look down on gifts of money because money is such a highly charged symbol in our world .