
Deutsche drew particular criticism for misleading the FCA during the investigation .
The unit is still being investigated by the Financial Conduct Authority .
British financial authorities have concluded their investigation and notified Mr. Ford that they plan to take enforcement action , a spokesman for the British Financial Conduct Authority said in an email to The Times .
Mr Wheatley , chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority , said he believes market participants rather than regulators should make the final decision on how and when to scrap Libor .
But if the dealers involved must take most of the blame , the Financial Conduct Authority is right to criticise the traders ' managers .
The Financial Conduct Authority will today post warnings on its website relating to unscrupulous brokers who appear to be taking advantage of the hype surrounding graphene and are using uncertainty about its future as a way to entice consumers to invest .
Data from the Financial Conduct Authority , the British regulator , suggests that it has collected about £ 2.5bn since 2012 , including this week 's fines .
The government at first proclaimed that the new agency would be a consumer champion , but now resists the notion that it should be a consumer advocate .
The activities of the financial conduct authority will be even more extensive and intrusive than those of the FSA , and yet ineffective , as they will consist mainly of form-filling and box-ticking with little impact on what businesses do .
It is sufficient that the new authority will have powers to ban products ( powers it is unlikely to use ) and will move away from the assumption that if you give your customers enough information that exhausts your responsibilities to them .
The Financial Conduct Authority sent letters to an unspecified number of currency brokers on Friday asking them to update the regulator about any impact the Swiss move could have had on their balance sheets , according to a person familiar with the situation .
I 've just been reading up on the latest research from Paul Adams and Stefan Hunt of the Financial Conduct Authority - the UK 's shiny new financial industry regulator .
Panama has already made some changes in response to criticism from the Financial Action Task Force , the international financial crimes watchdog , which put the country on its " grey list " of anti-money laundering high-risk countries in June .