
  • 网络FinancialSystem;The Financial System
  1. 沃尔克法则2009年由美国总统奥巴马(Obama)提出,目的是降低金融系统风险。

    The Volcker rule was proposed by President Obama in 2009 as a way of mitigating risk in the financial system .

  2. 金融系统实施ISO9000认证问题探讨

    Discussion for implementing ISO 9000 Certification in Financial System

  3. 1987年,加西亚立法将秘鲁银行业和金融系统收归国有。

    In 1987 , Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru 's banking and financial systems

  4. 该技术有效实现了对基于Web的金融系统数据仓库多维数据集的访问,能方便、快捷地查询OLAP分析处理结果。

    It can access the multi-dimension data and query the results from OLAP quickly .

  5. 但如果有太多的贷款机构和投资者要仰仗更高的GDP增速,那么这一减速可能会给金融系统带来很大的挑战。

    But the change of gear could be very tough on the financial system if too many lenders and investors are counting on more .

  6. SYBASE大型数据库在金融系统中的应用

    The Application of SYBASE Database in Financial System

  7. 神经网络和模糊系统技术被广泛地应用于自动控制、ATM流量的分析和控制、金融系统的分析与预测和模式识别等领域。

    These two kinds of technologies are widely used in automatic control , traffic and flow control in ATM networks , financial prediction , and pattern recognition etc.

  8. 本文从中间业务平台的结构、虚拟库表机制、格式转换机制、通讯机制、路由机制等方面给出了一个金融系统中间业务的处理平台IBS。

    This paper introduces an interspace-business system , IBS for financial industry , which is based on the aspects of virtual table , transformation , communication mechanism , route mechanism and so on .

  9. 看跌人士还认为,由于其复杂性和缺乏透明度,CDO及其它创新产品事实上降低了金融系统的适应性。

    The bears also argue that CDOs and other innovative structures have , in fact , made the financial system less resilient because of their complexity and lack of transparency .

  10. 金融系统抗风险的免疫系统工程

    On the Immune Systems Engineering Against Risks from the Financial System

  11. 高可用性系统和交易管理中间件在金融系统中的应用

    On available of high availability transaction management medium in finance system

  12. 金融系统网络信息安全初探

    The basic research for the network information security of the financial system

  13. 金融系统脆弱性理论研究

    A Theoretical Study of the Brittleness of the Financial System

  14. 但是,中国金融系统的封闭性也导致它不够发达。

    But China 's insular financial system has also kept it underdeveloped .

  15. 这些果断的措施将能解决金融系统的根本问题。

    This decisive step will address underlying problems in our financial system .

  16. 论金融系统的功能视角

    A Discussion on the Functional View of the Financial System

  17. 债务融资的金融系统等。

    And the financial systems for corporate debt finance .

  18. 从金融系统的职能看银行业的全能化问题

    On the Development of Universal Banking from the Perspective of the Financial Systems

  19. 但很少有人认为,它们会对现实世界的金融系统构成威胁。

    But few view them as a threat to the world financial system .

  20. 银行贷款的风险管理是关系到整个金融系统稳定的重大问题。

    The risk management of loans is crucial to stabilize the social financial system .

  21. 研究目的和意义在现代经济中,金融系统对资源配置起着至关重要的作用。

    In modern economy , finance system is crucial in allocation of capital resources .

  22. 非正式金融系统及其变迁:中国经济增长的路径依赖

    Informal Financial System and Its Evolution : The Path Dependence of China Economic Growth

  23. 这些干预是否在金融系统中播下了未来危机的种子?

    Do these interventions create the seeds for future crises in the financial system ?

  24. 银信金融系统防雷设计及运行维护方案

    Design the Defends Thunders of the Bank Financial System and Its Operates and Maintenance

  25. 金融系统是利用投资者信心的诡计吗?

    Is the financial system a confidence trick ?

  26. 德国金融系统就是这个状况。

    So too with Germany 's financial system .

  27. 金融系统的福利经济分析

    The Welfare Economy Analysis of Financial Systems

  28. 金融系统的演进模式划分为银行主导型和市场主导型两种。

    Bank-based financial system and market-based financial system are two styles of developing financial system .

  29. 因此联邦储备委员会已经注入金融系统几百亿美圆。

    So the Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the system .

  30. 金融系统的不成功意味着许多人都要面临困难。

    The failure of the financial system would mean financial hardship for many of you .