
  • 网络Financial leasing market
  1. 2007年《金融租赁公司管理办法》的出台,使阔别金融租赁市场十年之久的银行系金融租赁公司又重新登上了租赁舞台。

    The introduction of The Regulation of The Financial Leasing Company in 2007 lead the bank financial leasing company re-boarded the leasing stage after the ten years absence of financial leasing market .

  2. 银行系金融租赁公司的成立,不仅有利于银行本身的多元化发展,提高银行的综合竞争能力,而且给我国金融租赁业注入了新的血液,促进了金融租赁市场的和谐发展。

    The set up of bank financial leasing company , not only conducive to the diversification of the bank itself , improve the comprehensive competitiveness of bank , but also injected new blood to this industry , promote the harmonious development of the financial leasing market .

  3. 在水权市场发展成熟之后,可以考虑建立水权金融市场和水权租赁市场。

    After water right market gets ripeness , water right financial market and water right leasing market can be set up .