
  • 网络Financial Institution Innovations
  1. 河北省金融机构金融创新对策研究

    Countermeasure Studies of Financial Innovation of Financial Institutions in Hebei Province

  2. 建立中小金融机构的创新体系

    Small and Medium-sized Financial Institutions : Establishing An Innovation System

  3. 提出相关金融机构金融创新监管的政策措施;

    Mapping out consolidated supervisory measures regarding financial holding companies ; 3 .

  4. 金融机构产品创新形式的博弈分析

    Game analysis of financial institutional product innovation form

  5. 最后,金融机构要创新工作模式,真正地满足农民的资金需求。

    Finally , the financial institutions should innovate work mode to truly meet the peasants ' financial needs .

  6. 而就目前的市场风险研究成果来看,主要还是针对大型金融机构和创新性金融工具,比如衍生产品等。

    The market risk on the current research point of view , mainly for large financial institutions and innovative financial instruments , such as derivative products .

  7. 提出了设立支持民族地区经济发展区域性的政策性银行、中小金融机构、创新金融服务和产品以及改善金融支持环境;推进金融与教育的结合,促进金融支持教育的金融创新的对策建议。

    So we should make the following policy recommendations : the establishment of regional policy-oriented bank for ethnic minority areas economic development and small and medium-sized financial institutions to promote financial supporting ; and we should promote financial supporting education .

  8. 根据以上分析,认为选择合作创新模式来演变中国金融机构的金融创新能力是最佳选择。

    According to the analysis above , we think that cooperative innovation is the best selection to promote China 's financial innovative abilities .

  9. 而另一方面,他们不愿意金融机构利用金融创新绕过资本充足率和存贷比这些行政和监管措施。

    On the other hand , they disapprove of financial institutions taking advantage of financial innovation and bypassing administrative and regulatory measures governing capital adequacy and loan-to-deposit ratios .

  10. 相对于政府部门而言,专业性的各类企业拥有融资渠道广泛、建设经验丰富、运营效率较高的优势,金融机构拥有金融创新能力强、资金成本低、资金充足等优势。

    Comparative to the government , enterprise has advantages such as wider financing channels , richer experience , higher efficiency . And financial institution has advantages such as strong ability to innovate , lower cost of funds , adequate fund .

  11. 开发性金融机构在企业技术创新过程中的作用

    The Function of Developmental Financial Institutions in the Process of Technology Innovation of Enterprises

  12. 该行表示,将引导金融机构加大对科技创新、中小企业和绿色发展的支持力度。

    The bank says it will guide financial institutions to ramp up support for tech innovation , small and medium enterprises , and green development .

  13. 基于本文分析,笔者提出了支持中西部县域经济增长的关键是县域经济与中小金融机构协调成长制度创新、整治县域信用环境秩序和信贷管理制度创新。

    As to key measure to solve this problem , the paper 's opinion is : system innovation of county economy and the small and medium sized financial institutions harmonious development , repairing the credit environment and the credit management system innovation .

  14. 通告表示,将鼓励政府部门和企事业单位优先使用自主创新产品,引导金融机构加大对自主创新的支持,优先支持研发、制造企业在资本市场融资。

    Government departments and enterprises would be encouraged to give priority to the use of products featuring autonomous innovation , it said . Financial institutions would be guided to increase support for companies that developed or manufactured products featuring local technology , giving them priority access to capital markets .

  15. 二是金融创新过分依赖于政府,金融机构缺乏创新的内在动力。

    The other is that financial innovations Lack internal motive force of Innovation due to the excessive dependence on the government .

  16. 在此基础上,本文指明了金融监管对金融市场、金融机构及金融创新等的管制限制了利率在货币政策传导中发挥作用。

    This paper points out that the financial regulatory impacts on the interest rates playing a role in monetary policy transmission .

  17. 改革的措施是:在金融体制内,正规金融机构改革与体制创新并重,非正规金融规范与发展并举;

    Measures for reform are : within the financial system , attaching equal stress to organizational restructuring and institutional innovation of formal finance , and simultaneously promoting regulation and development of non-formal finance ;

  18. 酒业历来是泸州金融机构重点支持的对象,金融机构积极开展金融创新,加大对酒业的信贷投放力度。

    Wine has always been a key support target of financial institutions in LuZhou .

  19. 从金融发展理论视角来看,新型农村金融机构发展及创新,可以视为农村地区的金融深化行为。

    The new rural financial institutions , development and innovation , from the perspective of the theory of financial development in rural areas can be regarded as financial deepening behavior .

  20. 通过对当前县域金融机构执行金融基本功能的考察分析,说明应通过金融机构创新、金融业务创新和配套设施改革来加强金融对县域经济发展的支持力度。

    By analyzing the current situation in which county-financial institutes carry on basic financial function , it is proposed that the development of county economy needs financial support coming from financial institute innovation , financial operation innovation and facility reform .

  21. 现代意义上广义的金融创新包括金融制度、金融市场、金融业务和金融机构等方面的创新。

    The sense of financial innovation includes innovative financial system , financial markets , banking and financial institutions and other aspects .

  22. 本文针对我国当前金融热点问题之一的金融资产管理公司,从理论和实证的角度,系统地对这一金融机构的制度创新进行审视和研究。

    As a system innovation in financial institutions , Asset Management Corporation ( AMC ) is one of the hot issues on finance at present .

  23. 近年来,随着我国金融行业的不断发展,市场上金融产品和服务的类型也变得越来越丰富,人们为了满足自己多样化的消费需求,开始选择购买金融机构提供的创新产品。

    With the development of our financial industry , more and more categories of financial products and services come out in the market . To satisfy their diversified consumer demand , a lot of people begin to buy the innovative products provided by financial institutions .

  24. 首先,必须明确金融各类型金融机构的改革方向和目标任务,特别是政策性金融、商业性金融与合作性金融的分工必须明确,鼓励多种类型的金融机构创新发展。

    First , you must know the objectives and tasks of all types of financial institutions in rural financial reform , particularly , the division policy finance , commercial finance and cooperative finance must be clear , encourage many types of financial institutions to innovates and develops .