
  • 网络Financial Futures Contract
  1. 该商品期货交易委员会的历史表明,除其他事项外,如何期货业变得越来越多样随着时间的推移,今天包含了大量的高度复杂的金融期货合约。

    The CFTC 's history demonstrates , among other things , how the futures industry has become increasingly varied over time and today encompasses a vast array of highly complex financial futures contracts .

  2. 利率期货的狭义定义指对于利率敏感的金融工具的期货合约。

    The narrower term interest-rate futures refer to specific contracts for interest-sensitive financial instrument .

  3. 欧洲各国交易所也不甘落后,1984年英国伦敦国际金融期货交易所推出金融时报100指数期货合约,德、法、瑞士等大多数欧洲国家也相继推出了各自的股指期货。

    In Europe , many countries such as England , German , France , Switzerland and so on have their own stock index futures contracts .