
  • 网络financial monopoly
  1. 目前世界各国普遍存在金融垄断。

    Financial monopoly is widespread nowadays .

  2. 国际金融垄断资本,对于中产阶级的灭绝,具有鲜明的国际化特征。

    International financial monopoly capital , the extinction of the middle class , with distinctive features of the international .

  3. 注意规制金融垄断和不正当竞争的特殊性;

    Notice regulating finance monopoly and unfair competition behaviors ;

  4. 中国金融垄断的一个例证&实际利差扩大化

    The Expansion of Actual Spread : A Proof of Financial Monopolization in China

  5. 从发展趋势看,资本主义在经历了自由竞争资本主义阶段到私人垄断资本主义以及由其转化而来的国家垄断资本主义阶段以后,进而向金融垄断资本主义阶段演进。

    Contemporary capitalism is developing towards financial monopolistic capitalism after going through free competitive capitalism , private monopolistic capitalism and state monopoly one .

  6. 金融垄断抑制了市场竞争,使金融机构得以实施垄断高价、不合理收费等市场滥用行为,并给金融消费者维权造成困难。

    Financial monopoly inhibits competition in the market enable financial institutions to carry out monopoly high prices , unreasonable charges and other market abuses .

  7. 如不从根本上打破金融垄断和资金供给制的格局,经济增长方式的转变就难以实现。

    The authors hold that form transformation cannot be accomplished if we do not break the pattern of financial monopoly and the supply system of funds .

  8. 金融垄断行为则会破坏金融市场的竞争机制、影响金融资源的有效配置、导致货币政策传导机制不畅以及损害消费者利益等,从而影响金融业的运行效率以及整体经济效益。

    Financial monopolistic behavior would undermine the financial market competition mechanism and influence the efficient allocation of financial resources , result in the poor monetary policy transmission mechanism , and harm the interests of consumers , thus affect the efficiency of the financial sector and the overall economic benefit .

  9. 非法吸收公众存款罪名的扩大化导致金融机构垄断的强化。

    Extending of illegal absorbing deposit of the public leads to enforcement of monopolizing of banking institution .

  10. 但我国金融市场垄断性过强,竞争性不足;

    But the monopoly of financial market of our country is too strong , competitive is not sufficient ;

  11. 第四部分,重点围绕金融企业集团垄断行为适用反垄断法的特殊性展开论述。

    Part four , mainly on the particularity expansions which are suitable to apply the antimonopoly law , and it describes around monopolizing the behavior in the FEG .

  12. 具体的监管制度包括资本充足率监管、集团内部关联交易规制、加重责任制度以及金融反垄断规制等。

    There is some special supervision : solvency ratios and capital adequacy , anti - ' Intra-group ' transactions system , enhanced obligations system , financial antitrust system .

  13. 我们同商业金融的垄断势力、机倒把分子、顾后果的银行作业、级敌对、系倾轧、战争财行为进行了斗争,它们是和平的宿敌。

    We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace - ? Business and financial monopoly , speculation , reckless banking , class antagonism , sectionalism , war profiteering .

  14. 而金融反垄断管制的设置和有效执行可以维护金融市场的公平竞争,提高金融效率,增进社会福利,维护金融体系的稳定。

    The set-up and effective implementation of financial antitrust can maintain fair competition of financial market , improve financial efficiency , enhance social welfare , and safeguard the stability of the financial system .

  15. 规制金融企业集团垄断行为的法理基础在于法律的不完备性和法律的公平与公正价值;经济学领域,金融企业集团存在的基础在于规模经济和范围经济效应。

    The legal principle foundation of FEG lies in completeness of law and fair and just value of the law . The domain of economics , the foundation that the FEG exists relies on scale economy and range economy .

  16. 目前的中小商业银行先天不足,负担较重,质量堪忧,不能有效地破除国有金融的垄断和服务民营企业与三农,在政府指导下这些银行吸收民间资本来化解风险理顺机制的难度较大。

    The small and medium-sized bank is not good natural , who can 't abolish the monopoly and can 't service enterprise and local people effectively . Under the guidance of government , these banks absorb folk capitals to dissolve risk and make mechanism in order with heavy difficulty .

  17. 金融寡头是垄断资本主义的真正统治者。

    The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies .

  18. 这一中央银行制度对国民政府实现对全国金融业的垄断从而集中经济力量抗战是有利的。

    This central banking institution benefited the Anti-Japanese War by controlling the economy .

  19. 因此,租佃制的大发展是以金融为主的垄断力量共同作用的结果。

    Therefore , the tenancy system was based on large-scale development of financial-based results of the joint effect of monopoly power .

  20. 并在此期间设立了许多金融机构,垄断中国的对外贸易。

    The western colonists had set up a lot of financial institutions during this period to monopolize the foreign trade of China .

  21. 由于在实际的机构设置和对金融技术的垄断力方面占有优势位置,我国央行事实上的独立性水平并不如人们想象的那样低;

    Because of the advantageous position in institution setting and monopoly in financial technology , the Chinese central bank has a higher independence than what people imagine .

  22. 为了打破国外清分机对我国金融市场的垄断,以最新的芯片技术研发性能优良且价格合理的清分机成为国内高端金融设备研发商的重要目标。

    To break monopolization of foreign currency sorter , the advanced financial facility company instituted an important goal to research and develop currency sorter which used the streamlined CMOS chip technology and it has both good performance and low price .

  23. 中国银行业从计划金融的大一统垄断模式到四大国有商业银行的高度垄断再到当前多种金融机构并存发展,其市场结构已经发生了巨大的变化。

    From uniform monopolistic model under planned financial system to high monopolization by four state-owned commercial banks and then to the current model with various financial institutes develop side by side at present , the Chinese financial sector has experienced huge transformations .

  24. 但是像电力、电信、金融等行业垄断程度仍旧很高,仍存在极高的进入壁垒,由此产生了极大的制度成本,成为我国经济持续、快速、健康发展的制度瓶颈。

    But the monopoly in electric power , tele-com and finance is still very high . The entry barrier is so high that it is bringing forth extreme system cost and has become the system bottleneck of constant , rapid and healthy development in our economy .

  25. 论转型期中国金融业的反垄断管制实践

    The Control Practice of Anti-monopoly in Chinese Finance during the Transformational Period

  26. 关于光滑无限现货金融市场与寡头垄断市场的均衡

    Study on Smooth Infinite Spot-financial Markets and Oligopolistic Markets

  27. 社会环境的复杂多变致使该时期的金融立法呈现出垄断性、特权性、渗透性、适时性等特征。

    Various social circumstances caused the monetary legislation to expose the characteristics of monopoly privilege penetrated and timely during that period .

  28. 通过深入分析,本文指出其根本原因在于农村金融市场存在着垄断。

    On the basis of a thorough analysis , the article points out that monopoly in rural finance market is the main problem .

  29. 但是中国四大国有银行加上交通银行形成金融市场的绝对垄断,怠于在中小企业融资发挥积极作用。

    But four large state-owed banks and China Bank of Communication monopolize financial market and are unwilling to provide financing service for SMEs .

  30. 首先,四大国有商业银行在金融市场上处于垄断地位,我国的金融创新必然主要表现为国有商业银行的创新。

    Firstly , the four state-owned commercial banks monopolize the financial market and it is inevitable that our financial innovation is typified by state-owned commercial banks .