
  • 网络the golden notebook;The Golden Note Book
  1. 第三章主要探索了《金色笔记》中体现出来的对于女权主义的反思与挑战,促使我们在女权主义运动的大道上继续探索下去。

    Chapter Three explores challenges to feminism in The Golden Notebook .

  2. 1962年,她的代表作《金色笔记》的出版令她蜚声文坛。

    In 1962 , her masterpiece The Golden Notebook was published .

  3. 于1962年出版的《金色笔记》是莱辛的代表作。

    The Golden Notebook which was published in 1962 is her masterpiece .

  4. 读者的积极建构与《金色笔记》的解读

    Readers ' Active Construction and Understanding of The Golden Notebook

  5. 《金色笔记》多维非线性布局的叙事结构

    Narrative Structure of Multi-dimensional Non-linear Arrangement of The Golden Notebook

  6. 而莱辛在其《金色笔记》中颠覆了它们之间的二元对立关系。

    In The Golden Notebook , Doris Lessing absolutely subverts this binary opposition .

  7. 解读自杀&《金色笔记》中的死亡主题研究

    Reading Suicide & An Analysis of the Death Motif in The Golden Notebook

  8. 《金色笔记》小说形式中的立体主义

    Cubism in the Novel Form of the Golden Notebook

  9. 《金色笔记》与莱辛的女权主义思想

    The Golden Notebook and Lessing 's Feminist Ideas

  10. 她的力作《金色笔记》获得了2007年的诺贝尔文学奖。

    Her masterpiece The Golden Notebook won her Nobel Prize in literature in 2007 .

  11. 从《金色笔记》中看模糊限制语的人际意义

    Interpersonal Meaning of Hedges in the Golden Notebook

  12. 《金色笔记》中《自由女性》与笔记之间的对话与认知

    Dialogue and Cognition : " Free Women " and the Imbedded Notebooks in The Golden Notebook

  13. 在蓝色和金色笔记中,安娜浓墨重彩地描绘了她与索尔·格林的交往过程。

    In the blue and golden notebook , Anna emphatically portrayed her involvement with Saul Green .

  14. 《金色笔记》的现代性

    The Modernity of the Golden Notebook

  15. 解构菲勒斯中心:构建新型女性主义主体&《金色笔记》的女性主义阅读

    Deconstruction of Phallus-centric Ideology and Reconceptualization of Female Subjectivity : A Feminist Approach to The Golden Notebook

  16. 存在性困境和自由女性&多丽丝·莱莘《金色笔记》解读

    Existential Difficulty and Free Women

  17. 因其力作《金色笔记》,莱辛在2007年获得了诺贝尔文学奖。

    In 2007 , Doris Lessing won Nobel Prize in literature because of her masterpiece The Golden Notebook .

  18. 第一章引言简要介绍了多丽丝·莱辛的创作生涯,《金色笔记》,苏非主义以及其他相关理论。

    The introduction part briefly introduces Doris Lessing , The Golden Notebook , Sufism and related critical theories .

  19. 其中《金色笔记》是其最为著名的作品,并于2007年为莱辛赢得了诺贝尔文学奖。

    The most representative novel & The Golden Notebook brought her the Nobel Prize for literature in 2007 .

  20. 引言部分对莱辛的生平及金色笔记,生态批评进行了简略的介绍。

    In the introduction I briefly introduces Doris Lessing s biography , The Golden Notebook , and eco criticism .

  21. 论多丽丝·莱辛《金色笔记》中的女权主义多丽丝·莱辛的女性主义意识与女性书写

    On Feminine Consciousness in Doris Lessing 's the Golden Notebook On Doris Lessing 's Feminist Consciousness and Female Narrative

  22. 在《金色笔记》里,多丽丝·莱辛不仅探讨了一些现代主义的主题,还使用了一些现代主义的叙述技巧。

    In The Golden Notebook Lessing not only discusses some modern themes but also adopts some modern narrative techniques .

  23. 第二章首先简介《金色笔记》的内容,然后详细分析小说的现代主题。

    In Chapter 2 are given a brief summary of the novel and discussion of the modern themes of it .

  24. 作为存在方式的写作&《金色笔记》主人公生存状态研究

    Writing as a Means of Being-in-the-World & A Study on the Existing State of the Protagonist in The Golden Notebook

  25. 本文试图从女权主义的角度来对《金色笔记》进行解读。小说的结构、语言和主题等叙述策略很好地体现了女权主义这一主题。

    The structural , linguistic , thematic and other narrative strategies serve well for the expression of the feminist aims .

  26. 本文运用跨学科的研究方法解读《金色笔记》的小说形式是一种创造性的、有意义的尝试,以期为充实莱辛小说研究提供一个新的视角和研究思路。

    The interdisciplinary perspective employed in the thesis intends to provide a different reading and research orientation in evaluating the novel form .

  27. 写作风格灵活多变使她的作品颇受赞誉同时也饱受争议。《金色笔记》作为她的主要代表作一直都是争议的焦点。

    The changeable writing style brings her both praises and criticisms . Her masterpiece The Golden Notebook is always the point at issue .

  28. 虽然有关多丽丝·莱辛《金色笔记》的研究已有较为丰富的成果,但仍然存在许多需要加以开拓的空间。

    Though the research about Doris Lessing and The Golden Notebook has a lot of achievements , it has some topics to study further .

  29. 莱辛的代表作《金色笔记》作为一部独具风格的作品一直被国内外文学批评家及学者所研究。

    Her masterpiece The Golden Notebook is being studied as a unique work by critics and scholars at home and abroad all the time .

  30. 长期以来莱辛的《金色笔记》一直被尊为女性独立的教科书,这种观点有失偏颇。

    The Golden Notebook by Lessing has been accepted as a textbook about women 's independence for a long time , which is not completely correct .