
  • 【地名】【日本】Kanazawa
  1. 照叶酒家(TerihaRestaurantandBar),石川县金泽东山1-24-7;

    Teriha Restaurant and Bar , 1-24-7 Higashiyama , Kanazawa , Ishikawa ;

  2. 山下餐馆(YamashitaRestaurant),石川县金泽片町2-23-5;

    Kanazawa Yamashita Restaurant , 2-23-5 Katamachi , Kanazawa , Ishikawa ;

  3. 那是一个阳光灿烂的冬日。45分钟之前,我和老友鲍勃·斯里瓦(BobSliwa)在人声鼎沸、层次繁多、纷乱繁忙的东京站登上了这列动车,目的地是海滨城市金泽。

    Three-quarters of an hour earlier , in the midst of a sunny winter 's day , I 'd boarded the train at the loud , insanely complex and many-leveled Tokyo main station , accompanied by my friend Bob Sliwa .

  4. 来到金泽的第一个早晨,我径直前往东茶屋街,见到了KiyoeNagashima,她是这里的第6代居民,也是金泽远足组织(KanazawaExcursions)的一名导游。

    On my first morning in Kanazawa , I made abeeline for the neighbourhood of Higashi Chaya and met Kiyoe Nagashima , a6th-generation resident and Kanazawa Excursions guide .

  5. 晚餐与酒水4千日元起。金泽

    Dinner and drinks from about 4000 yen on up .

  6. 我在金泽的宾馆吃完早饭后,坐火车到了东京。

    We returned to Tokyo by train after breakfast at our hotel in Kanazawa .

  7. 东北亚对话:金泽进程

    North-East Asia Dialogue : The Kanazawa Process

  8. 模糊均质消隐&金泽21世纪美术馆设计分析

    Ambiguity , Homogeneity and Invisibility : The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa

  9. 金泽博士认为,父母通常会生出能受益于自身基因的孩子。

    Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own attributes .

  10. 一只27天大的小长颈鹿依偎在母亲的身边,日本横滨金泽动物园。

    A27-day-old female Reticulated Giraffe stands beside her mother at Kanazawa Zoological Park in Yokohama , Japan .

  11. 从东京到金泽的距离约为473公里,以往乘坐火车大约需要5小时,中途还要换车。

    Making the 473km trip from Tokyo toKanazawa used to take five hours and require changing trains .

  12. 这次我们搭乘了普通的火车,因为金泽到东京是没有新干线的。

    This time , we used a regular train as there is no Shinkansen service between Kanazawa and Tokyo .

  13. 《宗教人类学导论》,金泽、何其敏译,北京:中国人民大学出版社。

    Fiona Bowie , 2000 , The Anthropology of Religion : An Introduction , Blackwell Publishing Ltd , Oxford .

  14. 金泽城堡始建于16世纪,它的建造者备受当地人推崇,其统治一直持续到1868年。

    The castle was built in the 16th Centuryby the Maeda family , the beloved rulers of Kanazawa until 1868 .

  15. 金泽博士的一项研究表明,酗酒很有可能是天才在工作的一个标志。

    A study by Satoshi Kanazawa indicates that it may be likely alcoholism is the sign of a genius at work .

  16. 金泽的街道之所以采用这种设计,部分原因就是为了误导外来者,使之迷失方向。亲身体会之后,我发现这种设计的确很有效。

    Kanazawa 's streets were partly designed tomislead and disorient outsiders , and I was learning firsthand , they do soeffectively .

  17. 文雅的金泽武士属于异类,这是因为他们的统治者不喜欢暴力,反而对艺术情有独钟。

    Therefined samurai of Kanazawa were an anomaly , made possible by their ruler'sdisinterest in violence and affection for the arts .

  18. 金泽博士表示,同性恋对于智力来说可能是一个奇特的反映,像是智力的前身或者是陪伴智力而存在。

    Kanazawa suggests that homosexuality may be a reflection of inquisitiveness - a sure precursor , or companion , to intelligence .

  19. 近些年,进化论学家金泽博士在一个研究中发现了同性恋现象和智力之间微妙但颇具意义的联系。

    A study by the evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa this year has found a small but significant link between homosexuality and intelligence .

  20. 金泽教授在报告中分析两项美国的重大调查,查明数千名青少年以及成年人的社会价值观与智商。

    As part of the study he analysed two major US surveys which ascertained the social attitudes and IQs of thousands of teenagers and adults .

  21. 另外,本文还通过对这一时期东亚海域局势的分析,将幕府儒将北条实时派船到大陆购买大批宋书及金泽文库创建的时间落实到1258年到1266年之间。

    Based on situation analysis then in East Asia seas , Houjyuo Sanetoki , a Shogunate minister bought a large number of books from China in1258-1266 A.

  22. 宏伟的金泽城堡是当地规模最大的武士时代建筑遗迹。这座白色建筑坐落在山顶,可以360度鸟瞰整座城市。

    Kanazawa 's largest architectural relic ofthe samurai age is the stunning white Kanazawa Castle , resting on a hill thatoffers 360-degree views of the city .

  23. 金泽位于日本西部,地处日本海与日本阿尔卑斯之间,是了解日本武士历史发展最好的样本城市之一。

    Located between the Sea of Japan and theJapanese Alps in western Japan , Kanazawa is considered one of the country'sbest places to learn about samurai history .

  24. 那是一个清晨,我来到金泽的东茶屋历史街区,一排古老的网格状茶馆彰显出它独特的布局和悠久的历史。

    It was early morning in Kanazawa'shistorical Higashi Chaya district , a row of old latticed teahouses in a townthat 's convoluted in both its layout and history .

  25. 或许这才是金泽武士留给后人的真正财富:他们最强大的武器不是利剑,而是对艺术的专注——这是一种经过精心伪装的防御技巧。

    Maybe that was the real lesson of Kanazawa 's samurai.Their greatest weapon was not the sword but their focus on the arts - a slydefense tactic in disguise .

  26. 金泽博士得到的结果不是同性恋者本身与智力的联系,而是那些拥有同性恋伙伴的人群拥有更高的智商。

    Rather than homosexuality itself being a characteristic of intelligence , Kanazawa 's results suggested that those who had had multiple homosexual partners were more likely to be intelligent .

  27. 经观察血液循环系统实验证明,使用金泽的金箔美人后血液循环比之使用前大有变化。

    Use of Kinpaku-bijin causes a change in blood flow-this has been proven by observing change in the volume of blood in blood vessels ( blood flow observation system ) .

  28. 这个坐落在金泽木屋古城的美丽而风格简约的小酒吧通常总是充满了当地的一流酒客。

    Located in the historic wood-fronted district of the city , this wine bar with its beautiful , minimalist interior tends to fill up fast with the local A-list crowd .

  29. 宋本真正大规模进入日本乃晚至宋末元初的镰仓幕府时期,与著名的金泽文库之创建有着密切的关联。

    The large-scale entry occurred during the late Song and the early Yuan period & the Kamakura Shogunate , which was closely related to the establishment of Kanazawa library 's foundation .

  30. 而对于这位48岁、在伦敦经济学院管理专业担任讲师的金泽博士,这也不是第一次因传播种族主义而受到谴责。

    It is not the first time that Dr Kanazawa , 48 , a lecturer within the department of management at the LSE , has been accused of peddling racist theories .