
  • 网络KINSHASA;Congo
  1. 4.airliftvt.空运这位护士被用飞机送到金沙萨。

    The nurse had been airlifted to Kinshasa .

  2. Wally的种植园是在金沙萨一条主干道的沿线,那里曾是一大片荒地,野草丛生。

    Wally gardens along one of Kinshasa 's main arteries , in what used to be a vast , abandoned swath of weeds .

  3. 第二条因加-金沙萨线路的建设将由欧洲投资银行资助(EIB)。

    However , the construction of the second Inga-Kinshasa line will be financed by the European Investment Bank ( EIB ) .

  4. “在健康中心,我们发现儿童经常出现营养不良,”MbuyiJoseph说,他目前正在金沙萨地区推行市区种植园计划。

    " At the health centers , we noticed that children were regularly coming in malnourished ," explains Mbuyi Joseph , who now runs a Kinshasa-wide urban gardens project .

  5. M23叛军试图巩固这一已被金沙萨政府忽视太久区域的控制。

    M23 rebels are trying to cement control over this area , which they say has been neglected for too long by the government in Kinshasa .

  6. 这是一款名为《旅行者IQ大挑战》(TravelerIQChallenge)的免费游戏。游玩家在一张二维地图上寻找金沙萨、莫斯科或其他城市及景点的所在位置,然后根据答题的速度和准确度来评分。

    The free game , Traveler IQ Challenge , has become an unlikely hit by getting players to locate Kinshasa , Moscow and other cities and attractions by clicking on a crude , two-dimensional world map , and scoring them based on the speed and accuracy of their responses .

  7. 此外,在金沙萨的全国生物学研究所(INRB)进行的实验室检验也证实存在志贺氏菌。

    In addition , laboratory tests conducted by Institut National de Recherches Biologiques ( INRB ) in Kinshasa , also confirmed the presence of Shigella .

  8. 首都金沙萨语言法语是官方语言。

    Capital Kinshasa Languages French is the official language .

  9. 如今在民主刚果的首都金沙萨,瑙莱坞全面影响着主流文化。

    Today in Kinshasa , the Congolese capital , Nollywood permeates mainstream culture .

  10. 正在进行非洲七国访问之旅的克林顿夫人当时在金沙萨发表演讲。

    Mrs Clinton was speaking in Kinshasa during a seven-nation trip through Africa .

  11. 我想是同位语,意思是“现已是刚果共和国首都的金沙萨”。

    What is now the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo , Kinshasa .

  12. 如果你想要加入更多不寻常的城市(巴库-金沙萨-帕拉马里博,有人想去么?)

    If you want to link more offbeat hubs ( Baku Kinshasa Paramaribo , anyone ?)

  13. 高君雅(音译)将从金沙萨带来详细报道。

    Gao Junya has more from Kinshasa .

  14. 世界卫生组织已收到关于金沙萨发生伤寒严重持续暴发的报告。

    WHO has received reports of a significant , ongoing outbreak of typhoid fever in Kinshasa .

  15. 今天,联合国世界粮食计划署也成为了金沙萨计划的参与者。

    Today , the UN 's World Food Program is also partnering with the Kinshasa project .

  16. 她在金沙萨的新生活充满贫穷、恐惧和疾病的威胁。

    Her new life in Kinshasa is one of poverty , fear and the threat of disease .

  17. 球迷的爱给了我们灵感,就像穆罕默德-阿里在金沙萨打拳时一样。

    We have been inspired by the love of the fans , like Muhammad Ali in Kinshasa .

  18. 已向金沙萨派遣两名流行病学家、一名健康促进人员和一名后勤人员,以支持疫情应对活动。

    Two epidemiologists , a health promotion officer and a logistician have been deployed to Kinshasa to support the response operations .

  19. 这种血液来自一个现刚果首都金沙萨的公民体内。

    The blood came from a man in what is now the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo , Kinshasa .

  20. 金沙萨和加丹加目前一共缺少1400兆瓦的电力,而因加的全部人口目前才只享有1750兆瓦!

    Together Kinshasa and Katanga currently have a shortfall of1,400 MW , while the entire production at Inga is currently at1,750 MW !

  21. 他在毗邻金沙萨的贡贝进行投票,贡贝是全国少数几个道路铺设良好的地区之一。

    He voted in the Gombe neighborhood of Kinshasa , one of the few parts of the country with nicely paved roads .

  22. 曾在一段时间他是仅有的三个医生中的一个,并且是金沙萨大医院中唯一的外科医生。

    For a time he was one of only three doctors , and the only surgeon , at a huge hospital in Kinshasa .

  23. 在金沙萨,能够用上电的家庭是很少见的,而用不上电和断电则是正常的。

    In Kinshasa , the availability of electricity in households is the exception , while the lack thereof and power outages are the norm .

  24. 她来自英国东南部风和日丽的拉姆斯盖特。首次来到拥挤、肮脏、酷热难当的金沙萨时,这位拉姆斯盖特姑娘吓坏了。

    A Ramsgate girl , from England 's soft south-east , she was horrified when she first arrived in teeming , filthy , sweltering Kinshasa .

  25. 今年年初,联合国非洲区域和平与裁军中心起草了金沙萨协议。

    Earlier this year , an agreement known as the Kinshasa Convention was ed by the U.N. Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament in Africa .

  26. 世卫组织国家办事处、区域办事处和总部在金沙萨和疫情所在地现场正在为卫生部提供支持。

    The WHO Country Office , Regional Office and Headquarters are supporting the MoH in Kinshasa and in the field at the location of the outbreak .

  27. 但这个念头转瞬而逝,几乎是被金沙萨综合医院急诊室里流淌着的血给淹没的。

    But it was a fleeting thought , almost drowned in the blood that flows in the Accident and Emergency Department of the Kinshasa General Hospital .

  28. 世卫组织驻金沙萨的国家办事处已得到加强,以便在应对关于提供此次疫情信息的外部要求方面向卫生部提供支持。

    The WHO Country Office in Kinshasa has been strengthened to provide support to the MoH in responding to external requests for information on this outbreak .

  29. 国内有4所大学,两所在金沙萨、另两所分别在卢本巴希和基桑加尼。还有一些教师培训学校和技术学院。

    The nation has four universities , two in Kinshasa and one each at Lubumbashi and Kisangani , and a number of teacher-training colleges and technical institutes .

  30. 中国与刚果已于本周签署一项初步协议,时逢国际货币基金组织代表团抵达金沙萨,评估相关进展情况,以便恢复对刚果的预算支持。

    A preliminary agreement was signed this week just as an IMF mission landed in Kinshasa to review progress towards the resumption of budget support for Congo .